She just looked to be on the "short" side of moderate. Keep in mind, I am just not used to seeing cattle like that. Here, We still need cattle that exhibit a little bit more skeletal extension than what is required or accepted in most other parts of the USA. Excuse my lack of tact. Our buyers here want far more "Black Exotics" than Emulous-bred Angus.Hence, my subjective evaluation of a heifer calf's skeletal profile. Not the perfect situation, but, unfortuneately, it's how it is where I live.We have always been twenty years behind. I was born in '70, but I can still remember having to have a perfectly Hereford-marked calf, comeplete with the "feather" on the neck, and NO EYE PIGMENT ( boy, has that changed) or freckle-faces. Things that had left other parts of the country, we were still dealing with. Didn't see a Charolais bull until I was eleven years old.