Fort worth steer show

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
it's ok none of them are really what they "look" like.

everyone knows it.

feedlot cattle, in general, should be percentage cattle.

the tougher comparison would be to compare a purebred or fullblood calf of any breed to a crossbred and take that into consideration since hybrid vigor will be less in higher percentage cattle.

doubt anyone will do that though.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2013
Brownwood, TX
Grand I know was a matador x made right. Now I can't remember what matador is and I don't want to say with out really knowing what he is . He is one that the Days bought from the born ranch I believe, and know he has hung some banners for them already. I have known the Days for a number of years ago, was ian ag teacher in Terry county for a few of them, most of all their cows do go back to some very good purebred herefords but they are in it to sell show steers in Texas and like someone said they don't have to have papers to be steers here. Super happy for that young man and happy for the family. Well deserved for sure.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
Medium Rare said:
I only caught the grand drive. How did the overall quality compare to Kansas City?

Top end at Ft Worth would be "comparable" to the top end at KC or Denver.  Not trying to start a territorial battle here, just a general statement.  You could plug pretty much any class winners from KC into the Ft Worth show and they would be in contention to make the sale in Ft Worth. Sure it takes luck and whatever, but GENERALLY speaking, they are about the same.  It is just that there are so darn many more of them in Texas! 


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
This is the steer that really caught my eye from all of the photos and cell phone videos I saw.  I wasn't at the show.

This steer was the reserve exotic.

I looked at all of the show ring photos that Showtimes posted.  Every time I saw this steer in a show ring picture (and there were a lot of pictures of this one), his head was down.  Again, I wasn't there....but it sure looked like the young man that owned this calf just couldn't get him showed.  I am by no means being critical of the exhibitor.  Some of these steers just don't cooperate when they are on the move. 

I can't help but wonder if this calf would have presented himself a little better on the move....


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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
knabe said:
oakview said:
A good friend of mine told me his extra hairy calves were sorted out and dropped quite a bit in price, too.

so shave them, wait a bit so it doesn't look like it?

i still say weigh the calves as they enter the ring.

the drama will be palpable.

could even have a contest that the smallest differential between the original now used weight and the ring weight get a bonus!!!

so little change.

I get what you are saying here, but how in the world would you weigh 1500 steers as they are walking into the ring?  That would be an absolute nightmare!


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
doc-sun said:
jconner2088 said:
knabe said:
jconner2088 said:
Champ was polled and reserve was hereford. Been right around 30 yrs since it wasnt a exotic

meaning champ was polled hereford and hereford was horned and reserve?
WRONG!!!!! THEY ONLY LOOKED LIKE HEREFORDS. IF YOU LOOK AT THE PEDIGREES THERE ARE CLUB CALF "EXOTIC" GENETICS TOP AND BOTTOM OF BOTH. THERE ARE EVEN SOME CARRIERS. It looked to me like there were very good crossbred steers buried behind the black calf that I didn't like at all who won that division. Purple reigned
though as evidenced by 500k in premiums to the champs.

I assume you were there.  I saw some pictures and cell phone videos of a few classes.  It looked like there were 5 or 10 that could have been used and nobody would have said a word about it!  It is incredible the depth down there!

So, if you were there......were the "Herefords" really good...for Herefords, or were they just flat out the best 2 there?  In your opinion.  I am not asking to start problems.  I am asking because I value your opinion. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I would walk them on.

Takes a couple seconds.

The new units can weigh a moving animal.

I mean, they are show steers right?


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2013
Brownwood, TX
I was there for Thursday, so cant say how Friday went with most of the Exotics show. There have been yrs before that the best steer wasn't an exotic but the exotics won anyways. Some times it takes a guy to just do what he wants and stick to it. Watching the polled hereford and the horned herefords show you could just tell the Mullinix dug in deep on those two calves. I enjoyed watching him sort cattle, and thought he really did a good job. again i cant comment on the exotics that won. I looked at the Day's calf thursday morning before going in the ring and thought they had a very good chance of winning the breed.  I saw the Horned in the ring only and thought that he was one awesome hereford and felt like it was pretty easy when he walked in the ring. 


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2013
Brownwood, TX
doc-sun said:
neocattleman said:
Anyone know the pedigrees on those steers?

I may be wrong but i believe that this matador is a different bull. If i have my story right  Day's the Matador is a right answer out of Kawligas full sister from Born Ranches, that the Day family bought form them. Born Ranches has raised several bulls that have been doing alot of winning down here in Texas for many years. Ill try and dig around and find a picture of the bull.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2009
I was there, albeit 30+ years ago I was on the Livestock Judging Team of a major university. I have also judged many (small) shows and have raised cattle all my life. To answer your question, they were really good for Herefords! Were they the best 2 steers in the show? That is at the very least highly debatable! In my opinion, no! As I started watching him on Thursday it took me a few classes to get on the same page with him. Most of the more powerfully constructed steers were getting sorted down in class opting for ones that had a certain "look" that suited him. I'll grant that most of the cattle he placed high possessed the same look across breeds with the exception being the champion exotic. He was rugged, boxy and very stout and powerful! Everything else seemed to fit the same pattern of the Herefords. Smooth, balanced, good structured and most could move.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2013
Brownwood, TX
RFSC said:
I was there, albeit 30+ years ago I was on the Livestock Judging Team of a major university. I have also judged many (small) shows and have raised cattle all my life. To answer your question, they were really good for Herefords! Were they the best 2 steers in the show? That is at the very least highly debatable! In my opinion, no! As I started watching him on Thursday it took me a few classes to get on the same page with him. Most of the more powerfully constructed steers were getting sorted down in class opting for ones that had a certain "look" that suited him. I'll grant that most of the cattle he placed high possessed the same look across breeds with the exception being the champion exotic. He was rugged, boxy and very stout and powerful! Everything else seemed to fit the same pattern of the Herefords. Smooth, balanced, good structured and most could move.


Active member
Jun 14, 2011
I'm just going based off the pictures and videos I saw online, but from what I could tell the Grand was a good bastard. Easy doing, soft, sound, stout, market ready, cool fat steer look to him yet mature. Was he the best one? He looked justifiably exceptional to use for grand. The one Mullinix used for reserve overall didn't seem to be quite the level of quality of the grand. Excellent for its breed, but from what I saw not the caliber of being in the top two overall. Regardless, it takes some nuts to do what the judge did.

I will say the grand and reserve exotics looked incredible. The black steer and the smoke were awesome calves and both could easily have gotten a piece of it. Congrats to those families on two stellar looking steers.

Fort Worth is the most incredible steer show on earth. Y'all Texans are lucky to have it and that sale. I wish there were more shows like that up north with that kind of support, sale, participation, and, above all, such an awesome culture of positivity for the kids.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
I kinda figured the Champion was probably an MAB until they named his sire. 

The best "Herefords" I have seen have mostly been out of MAB.  Nonetheless, nice steer.


Active member
May 23, 2018
Center, Co
I'd like to give a huge shout out to GKB cattle for their purchase of the champion steer. Great people who stepped up to support this young man. The other thing that I truly loved was his old school show stick. That's class to see a young man useing a wood stick.