As most of you know, I have been using a son of Salute in our herd and we are really pleased with how he has been breeding for us. In 4 calf crops we have not assisted a single calf. They have the best performance we have used and they have excellent muscling and style. Our best carcass data also comes from sons and grandsons of Timeline. Here is an email I received from a lady who ranches in Alberta and she purchased 2 sons of Timeline last year and came back to buy two more bulls this year. She said" First I gotta say that I am sure happy with the bulls from last year. Blue Chip had 27 first calving heifers. After 24 days of calving he only has 3 left to calf. Zip Code had 35 head of second calvers and there are 7 left to calve after 24 days. We have not touched a calf from either bull. I am really impressed with the calves and their extra muscling is evident right from birth. The calves we have from both bulls are some of the most impressive we have ever had."
Both these bulls were yearlings when they bred these females Blue Chip had a rib eye area of 14.8 square inches and Zip Code had a 17.3 sq inch ribeye at 12 months. These Timeline bulls averaged 15.4 sq inches and all but one sold to a commercial herd. The one that sold to a purebred operation was HC Marksman 25Z who was just named All American for Moore Shorthorns, Jerseyville, IL. I have heard from every person who purchased one of them and they are all very happy. Another thing I will mention is that every bull we have had from the Salute line has had testicles above breed average in size.
So please don't put all the offspring from any sire in one basket. Like Maureen has posted above, my direct Salute daughters are excellent working females. Great udders, milk well and are fertile. Our high selling heifer in our Sun Country sale was from one of our Salute daughters and sold for $5150. She has now had 4 calves and 3 have averaged $4200 so I think she is earning her keep here. The fourth calf from this Salute daughter is now in our herd and she is one of our best replacement heifers. I only had 7 direct Salute calves born here, and every one was born unassisted. Dump it on the ground if you want to, but I think it would be your loss. I would like to know how many Salute calves any of the people have had themselves that suggested his semen be dumped. He may not be the most popular bull around right now, but I don't think it is totally worthless.