It seems like there is a post regarding ideal frame score every couple months. I think I have linked to this research in prior posts, but here it is again.
If you have the time it is worth the read -
Here is excerpt that is most germane to the discussions in this thread:
Metabolic Weight versus Live Weight. The average elephant weights 220,000 times as
much as the average mouse, but requires only about 10,000 times as much energy in the form of
food calories to sustain itself. This is because of the mathematical and geometric relationship
between body surface area and volume, which in biology is articulated by Kleiber’s Theory. It
states that metabolic weight = live weight^.75 (Kleiber, 1932).
Essentially, the bigger the animal, the more efficiently it uses energy.
For instance, eighty seven 1200 lb cows require the same amount of food energy for maintenance as one hundred 1000 lb cows (Table 1).
This is a hypothetical but realistic scenario - do you want 87 cows or 100 cows?
87 cows (1200 pound cows) - wean 600 pound calves = 52,200 pounds
100 cows (1000 pound cows) - wean 500 pound calves =50,000 pounds
Chances are that the calves out the 1200 pound cow will outperform the calves after weaning as well.