Does anyone have any good tricks to saving the ears on a calf when its born when its so cold. We had a calf born last night about 7. This morning he was very cold, covered in frost, and ears were solid. I put him in the calf warmer, got him warmed up, gave him a bottle, and got his ears thawed out. Dad put him back in with mom and when I came home today from school, the tips of his ears were froze again. So I put him in the calf warmer again and got his ears thawed out. I put a pair of those sullivans ear muffs on him and got a roll of vet wrap, and wrapped his ears against his neck, but it doesnt seem to be staying on very good. I know he will probably loose part of his ears anyway but I hope i can save some of them. What do you guys use to keep ears from freezing on newborns when its cold?