I seriously doubt that the AHA will promote the winning of a hereford steer. A few years back a hereford was picked as reserve in Houston, not a word said about the champion at Houston from the association. They are to afraid to promote their own breed. Angus is kicking the AHA teeth in when it comes to marketing, it isnt even close. That is one of the biggest reason for our own purebred dispersal. The hereford deal is very disappointing when it comes to pormotion of their own. I was in attendance for the show and the hereford that is res. grand was very functional and very consistent in the way that the judge likes them. I thought it was a good show, not everyone will agree with it but he was consistent in picking functional cattle that were not in the extremes of any in terms of phenotype. I do not believe that the hereford steers wins that breed every year, but he was a dang sure a good one fit by some of the best, and fits that particular judge very well.
As far as fixiing the classification deal, that is a hard question. DNA will not work, I promise some associations do not want to open that can of worms. I have personally talked with one association about this matter. I really like the way that the hereford and shorthorn committees are handling classification. The angus deal is always tough. Some people have it figured out, I guess if i was in on that deal I would study my lesson and watch the repeat winners in that deal.
As far as fixiing the classification deal, that is a hard question. DNA will not work, I promise some associations do not want to open that can of worms. I have personally talked with one association about this matter. I really like the way that the hereford and shorthorn committees are handling classification. The angus deal is always tough. Some people have it figured out, I guess if i was in on that deal I would study my lesson and watch the repeat winners in that deal.