The reason no one is worried about DNA is that the steer show has no pedigree requirements. The steers simply have to meet a set of breed characteristic standards to class, and for what its worth I dont think those standards are off. I realize that there are cattle with papers that get classed out, but there are also a lot of cattle with papers that dont meet their breeds characteristics or standards. I think the Angus characteristic standards are pretty much spot on. And I know that it stinks to hear that one is "to good" to be an Angus, but lets face it Angus as a breed just dont have that tremendously huge square hip and huge substance of bone that it takes to win the whole show, so when one comes through that possesses that and is trying to class Angus, its going to throw a good classifiers warning flag up and make them really study that animal. And then thats where the longer head, longer ears tend to get you. I know there are a lot of "pure" Angus out there that have papers and possess those traits, and I know that Angus breeders hate to hear this, but many breeders that came before you made your breed impure. They crossed Maine and everything else into the breed to make them more competitive in carcass traits, all they really worried about in characteristic was making sure the calves were black, but these other characteristics from the other breeds like the head and ear shape came through. Thats why there are "purebreds" that dont meet breedstandards, and not just in the Angus breed, in all breeds. Thats also why I prefer the classification method to the steers having to have papers. Papers can say anything you want them to say, unless they are going to DNA verify every steer that enters I think classifying is the fairest way. Having to DNA all those steers, or having to DNA the ones that someone filed a complaint about would cripple these shows, not only the expense, but having to wait to verify the results of the show after there are complaints filed against every breed champion, etc. I think its easier, more econoical, and more fair to just have classifiers and let an animal show in a particular breed class if the animal meets that breeds characteristics, it is after all how the feeder/packer industry works. Certified Angus Beef after all doesnt have to have Angus papers or even come from an Angus breeder. They just have to have a certain% black hide and meet certain body type stanrds.