with Coca Cola being a maternal bull, he tends to throw to the cow. they tend to be smooth, potential to be double muscled on bulls like Capone and Dabla...I would lean to matings with "pretty" animal bloodlines line Cunia, Epinal, Dada maybe even Danigo and Iabon...bulls like Caqui, Dalton, Covino, Buret...you might not get what you wanted. would like cross well with something Kuda or going back to the Cunia x 206A mating.
be cautious on the udders too. this cows bag is ok...mostly because of her dam...I have seen some that are...eh. put them in, I'd be interested to see how they turn out. another guy to talk to is Dave Stout from South Dakota...he has some Coca Cola animals. good luck. <beer>