After working outside in the cold all day, I like to come into a warm house. Anything under 70 degrees is not my idea of being warm. We keep our thermostat set at 72 degrees and only turn it up when it is really cold. Last Monday and Tuesday, we experienced -52 degrees F with the wind chill, Believe me, I made sure the thermostat was turned high enough to keep the house warm. If that makes me a wimp.... well, I guess I am proud to be one!!!! We are on natural gas which is a nice clean, and fairly economical fuel source. We have been on natural gas for about 15 years now, and my heating bill is still less than 1/2 of what it was when we heated with furnace oil back then.
As I tell my wife, 100 years from now it really won't matter how much our heating bill was. In the meantime, I plan on being comfortable!