Progression picture of my KB Freaknique x Buckcherry bull , he's 15 months old now . May get to service a few cows in the spring . * Two Year Old Picture Below *
I like that bull. Really level and square. I appreciate his testicles
and muscle expression in his neck. I consider each a sign
of fertility, both in him, but also in his daughters.
LLBUX , thanks for your comments on my bull . I don't keep track of any EPD's since I'm geared towards the steer deal . He was born at 85 lbs , and is from a strong milking cow family of mine .
He looks good- I like the balance and he is not fat so you can really see the true muscle shape. Testical size looks great as well. Car Port- Can you do a zoom photo over the chute area? thank you
Thanks Sue !! Here's another picture of the bull without the distraction of the carport . I'll take a few more pictures of the carport over the chute and post them .