Looking to breed my good Maine cross cow Charolais, and hoping for a heifer that would be versatile enough to breed maternal or go clubby. She is a bit heavy on her rear leg set, so I need to keep that as is, or go a bit straighter. Her front is pretty clean, but not freaky clean. That's it for improvements. I wanted to go turton, but don't want to pay for it. I'm leaning toward Game On, as he is a turton son, but Hoo Made Hoo as well as Hoo Dat intrigue me... I ask about these three because I've only seen a couple calves through a search on here and the pulse blog. Or maybe just go Firewater? I would go yellow jacket or something like him, but want to be able to register composite. Any other Charolais suggestions are welcome, as I'm not well versed in the breed. Thanks!