genetic drift

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
What about native americans? If todays proto historic natives were descendants of say the Clovis people, would there have been a natural selection for keen eye sight.....a person of better eye sight would be a better hunter or survivor so they would be more apt to have a mate......reproduce and whatnot over say a 10,000 year period? Same could be asked of us honkies.....before we invented eye glasses? Does eye sight have a genetic aspect to it? Or were the poorer eyesight people more apt to be eaten by wolves and other a natural selection occurred by this selection pressure?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
stithka said:
I agree with Jive Turkey. It is getting old Knabe.

interesting bashing shorthorns doesn't get old for you.

i take it you missed when i complimented him the other day.

really the ONLY time i bash AJ is when he bashes shorthorns.

funny how you say my science is outdated but of course don't point out AJ's complete lack of understanding of genetic drift and other topics when all he had to do was look it up.

it's really simple.  stop bashing shorthorns and being confrontational about it and i won't have anything to bash about. but i know you can't understand that.

it's really that simple.

and finally, AJ used the f word on a post.  i'm sure you missed that as well.

thank you.


Active member
Mar 11, 2009
You bashed on him earlier in this post and I don't recall him saying a thing about shorthorns.  So your argument holds no water.

Posters like you are the reason the Steerplanet doesn't have the level of information and discussion it used to. Being polite and civil doesn't hurt or cost you a thing. My guess is you are not from the south or your momma would have cured you of that problem.

Have a nice evening, sir.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
stithka said:
You bashed on him earlier in this post and I don't recall him saying a thing about shorthorns.  So your argument holds no water. oh, i know, a few times.  i'm not perfect like you or him, course you didn't point out earlier when i complimented his post, so i guess your argument doesn't hold water either.  i guess you support continual bashing of shorthorns.  oh well. i get it, perfection when you don't like something, but the opposite doesn't hold true when you like it.  i get it.  typical.  can't see the forest for the trees.

Posters like you are the reason the Steerplanet doesn't have the level of information and discussion it used to. i know, bashing shorthorns continually helps a lot right??Being polite and civil doesn't hurt or cost you a thing. AJ continually bashes shorthorn show people, especially those that used carriers, but he takes a carrier to denver. i guess you have no problem with that. My guess is you are not from the south or your momma would have cured you of that problem. i guess you have no comment on AJ's commentary regarding people who don't raise shorthorns the way aj says they should but doesn't do himself.  i get it.  you can't see it. i get it. you like all the bashing of shorthorns and your momma said it was ok to bash shorthorns.

i pretty much only bash AJ because he's such a hypocrite, if the shorthorn bashing would stop, a lot more people would post.  i guess you don't see all the good posts i make, but then, i really don't expect someone like you to not have selective memory.

maybe evaluate things with a similar vein instead of just focusing on someone calling out someone for continually bashing shorthorns.  maybe you could take off a few karma points from me or look at all the plusses i got for calling out aj.  i guess i'm not the only one tired of his continual bashing of shorthorns.  apparently you like it.  apparently you like it when someone takes a carrier to denver, bashes people for using them, bashes people for not raising real shorthorns, but continually introduces other breeds to his own shorthorns.  i guess you like hypocrites.

have a good evening as well sir. and above all else, keep an open mind. oh wait, you haven't ever called out aj for bashing shorthorns.  sorry my bad. an open fair mind is not possible.
Have a nice evening, sir.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
aj said:
Why do African Americans have a higher level of high blood pressure......and at an earlier age. Is it genetic?

might be salt sensitivity.  no smoking gun yet.

it's clear that emotional appeal causes which have a higher difficulty of proof are in favor lately.

it's also clear that lack of screening of most diseases including breast cancer mirror a heat map of poverty and higher incidence rates as detection and early treatment is important for control.

pretty sure all this information is not outdated.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Apparently women's breast cancer, some of it anyway, is linked to abnormal gene? When did this occur? How long ago did this occur? Is the a "race" gene based mutation? Did the mutation occur 4,000 years ago or 500 years ago?


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2015
There is no race gene, at least that's what my Sociology professor told us a couple weeks ago. There have been intensive studies across most races, and they can't find a gene that differentiates between races. I.e. no matter which genes they looked at, they could not consistently predict the race of a given individual from their genotype. Scientists have linked cancer to just about everything, but there is evidence that some are more at risk than others due to their DNA.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
There is no race gene but it's pretty easy when looking at DNA sequence to differentiate race, really just land races, based on snps in a single stretch of dna in a gene. They are sort of like parentage markers. Selection allowed for things to emerge that people are incapable of discussing such as average iq, athletic ability. There is obviously variation within "race" but once averages are taken, there are obvious differences in averages of traits between "races".

Of course we can't openly discuss those differences.  That's probably more important to figure out the gene for. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
If one lines up 24 sequences from 4 different races, and starts to tally the snps, a pattern based on their group starts to emerge.

One can simply scan down all 96 sequences from a new set of 96 samples and relatively easily pick out which group each sample comes from.

That's just simple fact,

23andme has a business model based on this fact. It's not outdated information. It's getting more up to date by the minute.

within 10 years, it will be routine to have ones genome sequenced at ones annual exam. It will be routine to have ones cell free Dna sequenced annually as a screen for disease, response to therapy.

Again, this is not outdated information just reality instead of straw man mommy talk.

It doesn't matter what race one belongs to anyway. 


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
The ABO system was discovered in 1901. No other human characteristic has more recorded data. Maya's 98% type O with the North American Blackfoot 17% O. Would this data be important when discussing whether or not.....and when humans migrated into North America? Whether there were several across the Atlantic and one through the Bering Strait?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Mayans  have inverted breast bones.....? Was there a garden of eden in South America as well as in Africa?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
aj said:
The ABO system was discovered in 1901. No other human characteristic has more recorded data. Maya's 98% type O with the North American Blackfoot 17% O. Would this data be important when discussing whether or not.....and when humans migrated into North America? Whether there were several across the Atlantic and one through the Bering Strait?

three might have been another one across the south pacific but i don't think dna evidence backs this up. there is definitely different knot tying strategies of coastal peoples on the pacific coast of s. america. they tie knots in triangles instead of squares.  triangles have less flex and are good for tying platforms on boats that don't flex like square knots do.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
shortybreeder said:
aj said:
Why do African Americans have a higher level of high blood pressure......and at an earlier age. Is it genetic?
Sociologists attribute it to increased stress from discrimination. The fact that they wake up every morning and have to worry about if a cop is going to pull them over due to their skin color, or if people are going to harass them in the streets.

sociologists are trained and training to find negative discrimination no matter how small and teach that it is huge. the are also taught to use the word discrimination to mean something negative when it is merely a term noticing a difference. they probably aren't looking for a self responsibility gene, the blame gene, the perpetually outraged gene, the irony gene, the self hate gene, the microagression gene, the suicidal demographic gene. it's not clear to me who is more stressed, the sociologist or the people they are studying. the stress is different, but it's stress.

Sociologists also haven't found the gene that convinces people to welcome people who don't welcome people and change. They haven't found the gene for demographic suicide and displacement. Right now, sociologists appear to think that gene is one race.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
As I understand it......the common condition of people around the world was to become intolerant to lactose about the time they were weaned off the mothers breast milk. But there was a mutation that occurred 5,000 years ago.........and some people began to drink milk way into their adulthood and it didn't bother them. The common condition of being lactose intolerant was actually the most prevalent condition in humans 5 thousand years ago? Today the milking of cows in today's societies allows lactose tolerant people to enjoy milk their whole lives.