Genetic testing

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Okie Boy

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
Waynoka Oklahoma
I have several heifers to test. Some potential TH and some PHa.  Do I need to send samples separate or can I send them together, well marked? They have to be well marked anyway. Going to vet Monday AM. So kind of need answer soon.  Longtime reader, first time questioner. I have learned so much from other peoples questions.  Thank You


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
same tube is sufficient for both tests as well as forwarding more DNA to a lab at UC davis for genotyping for ET purposes.  DNA is archived and can be accessed for future tests of other defects with of course an additional fee.  just indicate on form what you want.  you pay for TH now, and will be charged later for PHA as that one is in the process of being formalized for both publication and a process to receive a fee to cover costs.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
Okie Boy said:
I have several heifers to test. Some potential TH and some PHa.  Do I need to send samples separate or can I send them together, well marked? They have to be well marked anyway. Going to vet Monday AM. So kind of need answer soon.  Longtime reader, first time questioner. I have learned so much from other peoples questions.  Thank You
It depends on what breed your animal is.  The Maine Association has a seperate form, you pay them the 35 and they send you a form and it is done with tailhair, call the office 1st to be sure, the web site says you can do it by transfer, but I was told by the office I needed to submit it with tailhair.

Okie Boy

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
Waynoka Oklahoma
^Thank You for trying to answer my question.  My heifers are not registered and are from several different sires so some of them need the TH test and some of them need PHa test. Can I send all in the same box or do I need to send samples for one test in a different box than those for the other test?None of the calves need both tests.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
maybe barrelracer can answer that one, but it probably doesn't matter as the lab tech's will match the tube with the test request.  when we receive samples in our lab (genome center) we organize them by test and double, triple check everything.  even if they screw up and did multiple tests for "fun", they would only charge you based on your request on paper.  for your sanity, you could enclose two forms, one for PHA, one for TH, so long as the tubes are clearly marked, which you or your vet probably marked the tubes as you were drawing blood or pulling hair samples.  it's good to be anal about it.


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
parts unknown
What I did was send in all the labeled samples in the same package and printed out different sheets for the th tests, the pha tests and the ones that need both th and pha testing.  It worked out great.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Okie Boy said:
^Thank You for trying to answer my question.  My heifers are not registered and are from several different sires so some of them need the TH test and some of them need PHa test. Can I send all in the same box or do I need to send samples for one test in a different box than those for the other test?None of the calves need both tests.

First  (welcome)
Then this is what you do
1) you need one blood sample from each heifer - purple top tube - make sure the vet uses a new needle and vacuutaner (or syringe) for each heifer
2) Number each tube starting with 1
3) On each tube put the heifers name
4) Make a list, list the tubes by number (ie 1 through whatever) list which test you want (ie TH or PHA)
5) On the list put the heifers name and number or tattoo (if she has a Bangs tag or other official identification list it too)
6) depending on where you are send the samples next day air or ground - it should be no more than 2 days in transit - especially in this weather
7) put in several cold packs
*) on the list put your name, address, phone # and email - usually takes 2 to 3 weeks for results but Barrel Racer is on vacation I believe and it is summer - let me know if you need additional info  ;D
(I started this 4 hours ago and then had to show calves - I really intended to respond quickly


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
nah - you are fine! sometimes it all gets pretty confusing ;D