Global Warming, give me a break!

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
knabe said:
here's an article.  of course it's fox news so it's as biased as cnn, msnbc, cbs, nbc, abc, but here goes,2933,468084,00.html

He took issue with the AP article's assertion that melting Arctic ice will cause global sea levels to rise.

"When the Arctic Ocean ice melts, it never raises sea level because floating ice is floating ice, because it's displacing water," O'Brien said. "When the ice melts, sea level actually goes down.

decent point.

That is a really good point that makes sense.  I'm surprised no other scientist has said that.  Maybe they have, the media probably "forgot" to include it.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Lately there have been theories that the first people did not come over Beringa down the ice free corridor(because there wasn't a ice free corridor.) Did they come down the west coast or did man migrate from africa to south america via canoes or something. When the glaciers retreated 20,000 years ago (Wisconsin ice age) there were cold glacier lakes and a whole different environment. If the early man ate alot of mammouth could his gas been the force that melted the ice? Maybe if they would have killed the mammouths off sooner the terrible global warming wouldn't of occured and jit would still have a glacier over his ranch. All I can say is lets do it for the chilren, and if it would save just one life wouldn't it be worth it? (dog)