Go ARIZONA - Defend yourself!!

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May 4, 2007
Marshall, Texas

  I believe Arizona should continue to stand up and tell the Goverment to stay out of the way. I am hoping Texas will take a stand at the next session.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
Has anyone ever heard of suceeding from the Union?  Way too go Arizona!  Wish more states would start to stand up aganist this government.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
Larkspur, CO
I've watched hours and hours of debates on this topic, read several articles etc and all I can go back to is why America and Americans have to bend over backwards for illegal aliens when almost every other nation in the world prosecutes and can send illegals to prison camps for years of hard labor. A trip back over the border doesn't sound too bad when you put that into prospective.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
I agree 1000% box6ranch!  I can not tell you how many times I have been in the grocery store and had to "wait" until interpreter is found to explain the juice is $3.99 PLUS tax.
I have also been on one of the best university hospitals in the country and had to WAIT for someone to read the spanish someone had wrote on their "no insurance, no  money" form. Of course, I had to wait for them to move a high securty risk prisoner also....
I watched as a lady dressed in traditional clothing pull out of a parking lot, wearing a burka (you know those hoods women wear that barely show the eyes of a female).

I also do not understand that the United States seem to cater to these people that are here illegally, when other countries throw them in "jail" that isn't a hilton, force them to work, and/or kill them for "spying".
We on the other hand, give them free medical care, a place to stay, free food, and a check for "expenses".  I won't go into the job thing, as I believe way too many American's are sitting on their butts getting a check when they could work, but they don't because well, they are either "more than that" or are "disabled".

It will be interesting to see how this turns out.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
JbarL said:
Tooker said:
JbarL. Differnce of opinions I guess and I am not a politician. Its not prfiling bcyou and I and everyone else on here is required to have identification. That's what this is all about. That's all I am saying.
to me this is all about jobs, and amercians....and we can surely agree to disagree...im just glad to see the issue finally addressed.....even the rebutal solution is directed straight at the employers and there ability to exploit illegal labor....yes you have to have a license to drive a car..an id to buy a beer/ and fly on a plane, but you dont have to have any of the three or a valid social security number  to work at a tyson/swift or cargil facality for 10 years??  no one says its going to be easy.....looking past it is over though....jbarl
BULLCORN! If you slander Tyson Foods again, I will forward this thread  to the Corporate office in Springdale. Consider yourself warned. You have to have VALID documentation to work for Tyson. They check.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
BIGTEX said:
JbarL said:
Tooker said:
JbarL. Differnce of opinions I guess and I am not a politician. Its not prfiling bcyou and I and everyone else on here is required to have identification. That's what this is all about. That's all I am saying.
to me this is all about jobs, and amercians....and we can surely agree to disagree...im just glad to see the issue finally addressed.....even the rebutal solution is directed straight at the employers and there ability to exploit illegal labor....yes you have to have a license to drive a car..an id to buy a beer/ and fly on a plane, but you dont have to have any of the three or a valid social security number  to work at a tyson/swift or cargil facality for 10 years??  no one says its going to be easy.....looking past it is over though....jbarl

Any Illegals can go and get a fake drivers license and social security card in a heartbeat. You do have to have at least two of these to get hired at one of the above mentioned mentioned companies.
And, at Tyson Foods, if that ID comes back "multiple user", You are shown the door. TYson checks. I still love Tyson Foods.  ;)


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
garybob said:
JbarL said:
Tooker said:
JbarL. Differnce of opinions I guess and I am not a politician. Its not prfiling bcyou and I and everyone else on here is required to have identification. That's what this is all about. That's all I am saying.
to me this is all about jobs, and amercians....and we can surely agree to disagree...im just glad to see the issue finally addressed.....even the rebutal solution is directed straight at the employers and there ability to exploit illegal labor....yes you have to have a license to drive a car..an id to buy a beer/ and fly on a plane, but you dont have to have any of the three or a valid social security number  to work at a tyson/swift or cargil facality for 10 years??  no one says its going to be easy.....looking past it is over though....jbarl
BULLCORN! If you slander Tyson Foods again, I will forward this thread  to the Corporate office in Springdale. Consider yourself warned. You have to have VALID documentation to work for Tyson. They check.

I don't think Tyson would have much of a case -- they have to actually suffer damages as a result of any slander or defamation.  Even if JbarL said it with a reckless disregard for the truth, which it probably wasn't, Tyson's damages would be about 25 cents or less.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
GoWyo said:
garybob said:
JbarL said:
Tooker said:
JbarL. Differnce of opinions I guess and I am not a politician. Its not prfiling bcyou and I and everyone else on here is required to have identification. That's what this is all about. That's all I am saying.
to me this is all about jobs, and amercians....and we can surely agree to disagree...im just glad to see the issue finally addressed.....even the rebutal solution is directed straight at the employers and there ability to exploit illegal labor....yes you have to have a license to drive a car..an id to buy a beer/ and fly on a plane, but you dont have to have any of the three or a valid social security number  to work at a tyson/swift or cargil facality for 10 years??  no one says its going to be easy.....looking past it is over though....jbarl
BULLCORN! If you slander Tyson Foods again, I will forward this thread  to the Corporate office in Springdale. Consider yourself warned. You have to have VALID documentation to work for Tyson. They check.

I don't think Tyson would have much of a case -- they have to actually suffer damages as a result of any slander or defamation.  Even if JbarL said it with a reckless disregard for the truth, which it probably wasn't, Tyson's damages would be about 25 cents or less.
Just tired of the preconcieved notions on here that  ain't based on an ounce of experience, other than what Paw-pa heard at the Coffee Shop!!!!


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
I understand.  I have no idea what the HR department of the big packers have to go through in hiring employees and ensuring documentation is in order, but I am sure it requires quite a bit of work and effort trying to keep up with sophisticated fake ID places.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
BIGTEX said:
JbarL said:
Tooker said:
JbarL. Differnce of opinions I guess and I am not a politician. Its not prfiling bcyou and I and everyone else on here is required to have identification. That's what this is all about. That's all I am saying.
to me this is all about jobs, and amercians....and we can surely agree to disagree...im just glad to see the issue finally addressed.....even the rebutal solution is directed straight at the employers and there ability to exploit illegal labor....yes you have to have a license to drive a car..an id to buy a beer/ and fly on a plane, but you dont have to have any of the three or a valid social security number  to work at a tyson/swift or cargil facality for 10 years??  no one says its going to be easy.....looking past it is over though....jbarl

Any Illegals can go and get a fake drivers license and social security card in a heartbeat. You do have to have at least two of these to get hired at one of the above mentioned mentioned companies.
thats the states fault.....having such a pourous id system seems to be the root of the cause here....and it just didnt start a year ago either.....tyson /cargil and swift are exactually the ones they are looking for....if half of the id is fake and the employees are illgeals....then its time to go....
just because the illegals have a sophisocated id scheme dont hold water for me...put someone in charge of your state that can out smart the sophisticated illegals....
gb...i said ealierier it sounded like a good place to work...??....
if tyson has just as many illegals as cargil or swift then the punishment should be the same.....first replace them with amercians....then elect someone who can outsmart an illegal...jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
how much are you willing to pay of your annual household income for illegal aliens?

i think in CA, it's about $1000/household.

it's about 20% of our annual budget.

what would you do with 20% more money?

granted, it won't be that much if laws are enforced as that would cost some.

ask a mexican how they feel about someone from el salvador and whether they should have the same access to mexico and the US.

i think you will find a little racism or some ism.

been talking to a few illegals lately, and i haven't found a one so far that doesn't think they deserve the southwest even though they were paid for it and accepted and everyone of them says the person who negotiated that deal did it after he was deposed in absentia.

if mexico were willing to pay for all the improvements and the 17 million and give that back plus interest, plus all the crap they gave texas when it was a nation and all the robbing and looting, perhaps then we could start to have a conversation.

also, to a person, not one mexican wants mexican government but can't describe what they want other than america.

it's difficult to get out of them it's the rules, not the race that matters.  it's hard to get out of them that voting based on race, rather than ideas or enforcing the law is a useful concept.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
garybob said:
JbarL said:
Tooker said:
JbarL. Differnce of opinions I guess and I am not a politician. Its not prfiling bcyou and I and everyone else on here is required to have identification. That's what this is all about. That's all I am saying.
to me this is all about jobs, and amercians....and we can surely agree to disagree...im just glad to see the issue finally addressed.....even the rebutal solution is directed straight at the employers and there ability to exploit illegal labor....yes you have to have a license to drive a car..an id to buy a beer/ and fly on a plane, but you dont have to have any of the three or a valid social security number  to work at a tyson/swift or cargil facality for 10 years??  no one says its going to be easy.....looking past it is over though....jbarl
BULLCORN! If you slander Tyson Foods again, I will forward this thread  to the Corporate office in Springdale. Consider yourself warned. You have to have VALID documentation to work for Tyson. They check.

2001...chared with conspiracy to smuggle undocumented workers for produciton lines
march 2003  tyson aquitted of knowingly hiring lllegals...
may 2006.....suspended operations at 9 plants during nationwide day of immigration demonstrations citing expected walk out of workers
october 2006.... class action grated to lawsuit brought by tyson employees for hiriging illegals with depressed wages 10/30%....suit further contends federal racketeering laws by conspiring with the national council of la raza and leaque of united latin amercian coutries not to queston the employmnet application of anyone with an hispanic surname...
june 2003......company admitted to illegally dumping untreated waste water from its sedaiia missouri plant.....( 20 felony violations of the federal clean water act.....7.5 million dollar fine....??....jbarl


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
Larkspur, CO
how true is this!
I'm a legal American citizen and I must show:  My ID when:
    1.  Pulled over by the police.
    2.  Making purchases on my department store credit card. 
  3.  When I show up for a doctor's appointment.
  4.  When filling out a credit card or loan application.
  5.  When applying for or renewing a driver's license or passport.
  6.  When applying for any kind of insurance.
  7.  When filling out college applications.
  8.  When donating blood.
  9.  When obtaining certain prescription drugs.
  10.  When making some debit purchases, especially if I'm out of state.
  11. When collecting a boarding pass for airline or train travel.

I'm sure there are more instances, but the point is that we citizens of the USA are required to prove who we are nearly every day!
Why should people in this country illegally, be exempt!!!!!
Why shouldn't we guard our borders as closely as every other country in the world does?


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2008
This is going to be just like the war on drugs, and complete screw up. Cost more money that America doesnt have. But what it will do is create more goverment jobs, that is what they want at least the Democrappies, with all the jobs in the public sector they will eventully kill the American farmer and rancher. Well see when feed prices go even high than they are today. Well see the day when the the cattle shows are a thing of the past. People dont have the money to feed these cattle, that is why everyone is raising goats and rabbits and little projects. Well thats enough rambling for today.

Fix the border that is where the problem is, dont mess with people. Until American stops its welfare state of mind i dont wanna hear anything about people stealing jobs Americans dont want. Its time for Americans get off there butts and get these jobs back, instead of being content with waiting for a check every month. Hell you want jobs, start the American for a safe border, big border needs lots of workers to make our own Berlin wall.

All of you that voted for Obama, i hope you got what you wanted. Yea, i said it!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
This is going to be just like the war on drugs, and complete screw up. Cost more money that America doesnt have.

no it won't.


President Eisenhower cut off this illegal traffic. He did it quickly and decisively with only 1,075 United States Border Patrol agents – less than one-tenth of today's force. The operation is still highly praised among veterans of the Border Patrol.


By September, 80,000 had been taken into custody in Texas, and an estimated 500,000 to 700,000 illegals had left the Lone Star State voluntarily.


The Number of illegal aliens currently in this country is, 20,556,000
The amount of money taken out of the American economy and transferred to Mexico is, $24,279,150,000.
The cost to Americans taxpayers for social services to illegal immigrants is, $397,478,602,693.
The number of offspring of illegal immigrants enrolled in public schools K thru 12 is, 3,820,394
The cost to American taxpayers for the educating of the offspring of illegal immigrants K thru 12 is, $14,761,164,588.
The number of illegal immigrants incarcerated for crimes that they committed on American soil is, 321,271
The cost to American taxpayers for the incarceration of illegal immigrant criminals is, $1,471,104,488.
The number of illegal immigrant fugitives from justice, most of whom are in Mexico, which refuses to extradite even the most vile of killers is, 630,218   (awesome, remember that number when your children out out alone)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

“When I handed it to the lady, I watched her eyes and they immediately went right to the bottom of the page and the word Jesus,” he told FOX News Radio. “She said ‘We would prefer that you not use the name Jesus. We have some people here that can be offended.’”

awesome.  there is no law that says states can't have state religions, only the federal government has that restriction.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Thanks, Knabe, for those awesome numbers. Just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside knowing I worked my butt off today in 100 degree weather, 68% humidity just so a bunch of illegals can "have a better life".  Taxes to support obama or illegals.... not sure which is worse, if there is even a difference.
(Please be advised the previous statement was made with the most sarcastic tone I could muster.)

JbarL.... also nice numbers and facts. But why would immagrant workers walk out of a "better life job, we love America job" IF they were not illegal and IF they truely love their new life that is so easily given to them?
(Please be advised the previous statement was made with the most sarcastic tone I could muster yet again)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Show Heifer said:
Thanks, Knabe, for those awesome numbers. Just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside knowing I worked my butt off today in 100 degree weather, 68% humidity just so a bunch of illegals can "have a better life".  Taxes to support obama or illegals.... not sure which is worse, if there is even a difference.
(Please be advised the previous statement was made with the most sarcastic tone I could muster.)

JbarL.... also nice numbers and facts. But why would immagrant workers walk out of a "better life job, we love America job" IF they were not illegal and IF they truely love their new life that is so easily given to them?
(Please be advised the previous statement was made with the most sarcastic tone I could muster yet again)
sh...... if you will remember.....about 5 million marched that day...all across the country.....none of them or there supporters  worked...they ALL>>took that day off........ in protest, .....solidarity.......remember now..??... ;).......they want our work....and there are not afraid to show there numbers and do something about it either it seems......go arizonia.....defend yourself.......jbarl


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Until American stops its welfare state of mind i dont wanna hear anything about people stealing jobs Americans dont want. Its time for Americans get off there butts and get these jobs back, instead of being content with waiting for a check every month.

hows come it seems the only places that there are jobs that "amercians" wont do are in arizonia/new mexico/texas and california??.....why dont we just make the distinction here now....there dont seem to be jobs in west virgina that west virginians wont do??....hows about those from say.... pa/wisconsin/kentucky/north so carolina...hows about washingto sate or ohio ??...as a resident of any of these or other states, do you recognize the jobs that residents of your own state "WONT" do??...count me out of the "jobs "AMERCIANS" wont do excuse.....two of the for mentioned states ( ohio/ and west virginia) i know for a fact have a pretty active list of young men and some women aged 19 thru 45 who are in trouble allready and labeled as "dead beat dads and moms" who owe back child support and are about ready to go to jail unless they find a job....and our states make sure they get work before an illegal ....how bout you alls states??......once we start calling it " jobs that residents of arizonia/new mexico/ texas and california wont do"...then we can get an idea of why there is such a generalization that basically ....your on your own arizonia....some folks just cant understand why these jobs arent as important to you  as they are to us in ohter states?>...jbarl