Go ARIZONA - Defend yourself!!

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Our Country  has a system of allowing illegals to cross the borders and do whatever they desire..<beer>



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17&#039; 11.73 N 81deg 35&#039;59.94&q
Telos said:
Our Country  has a system of allowing illegals to cross the borders and do whatever they desire..<beer>
"some states"  have a system of allowing illegals to cross the borders and do whatever they desire....is more like it.....
wait till they demand amenesty and then open there own restaurant down the street....see how it ends up working for you then.. jbarl


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
Larkspur, CO
Is it appropriate to quote the old statement that says, "God helps those who help themselves"?
No, I don't think illegal aliens should be able to stay. If they want to be here they need to go through the process that hundreds of thousands of other immigrants did, probably including your family along the way.
If you want to get down and dirty we need to start with Americans who continually take free handouts from the government without doing anything in return.
Put all the physically fit people who are on welfare to work. I see a million things that need to be repaired or cleaned. They could have their own daycare ran by the mother's who continue to pop out children for more money.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17&#039; 11.73 N 81deg 35&#039;59.94&q
what southwestern politics has given us is ..........2 generations of illegal immigrants that have been given apprenticeships in finish carpentry/block masonry/electrical/plumbing/drywall contracting/concrete finishing/roofing and ac work/aluminum widow and screen fabrication/ restructures/agricultural /machinery repair and operators trades careers ....now they want to make them legal and then they can officially start bringing some of there money back from mexico, and  start there own legit business's and compete with those who've played it straight and narrow and struggled through the last 5/10 years??...since when did these become jobs amecians wont do, and why should long standing legit construcition/labor and reasturantures across amercian be prepared to compete against them in all fifty states if they no longer have to hide in states with free range labor, and residents who support it....jbarl


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
To find out how much the U.S. government is paying for the price of illegals in this country read the article from Tina Griego from the Denver Rocky Mointain View called "Mexican Vister's Lament.  They are only costing the government $538.3 Billiion a year to be here.  It's awful funny that us people that has worked our butts off in this country sure don't get free rides.  Now you will have to work til the nice old age of 70 to retire, because of all the social security going to all the illegals.  I just love seeing all the monjey go out of our paychecks for all the illegals in this country.  Maybe we need to bring our troops back from fighting, a 9 year war and fight the war that is here in this country.


Aug 28, 2008
The U.S. economy and the Mexican economy can not exist without each other.  No intelligent person wants to see Mexican people starving. The countries are not separable so then let the people come to work legally but do not make them citezens.  You not not fix this problem overnight that elected officials have let go for so long.  Only the big companies make money off of illegal labor.  10,000 cow dairies, meat packers, chicken houses,    The social cost of the goods produced by illegal labor are paid in taxes, and the owner makes the profits.  The gallon of milk cost the same in the end, $3.00 at the store and $2.00 in social benefits to the illegal employee.  food stamps, medical    The politicians get paid to keep the illegals by the campain contributors.  The Dem's want to give everything away for a vote.  Till now most Mexicans came to work and have been good people, I have worked with them, that work hard and take care of their families.  Now you have a problem of other countries  sending people into the U.S..  They are not coming just to work.  Secure the border and let the good people work.  It is only for protection.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
gatorbait said:
End the Welfare/Warfare State and 99% of America's problems will disappear...

You nailed it... but that isn't politically correct!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17&#039; 11.73 N 81deg 35&#039;59.94&q
if the residents of arizonia/texas, believe its "unrealistic" to deny amnesty to the millons of illegals here already here,.. then let the "states" of arizonia/texas give them amnesty within there borders.......they are already free to come and go as they please there anyway, and the residents readily accept them....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Azjimmy said:
only the big companies make money off of illegal labor. 

this is a flat out lie.  illegals without business licenses are hired every day at home depot and other places to do work that americans will do for a lot less.  this constant bashing of big business as the only bad egg is simply class warfare.  if big business is so bad, start your own, quit buying from them.

every market that an illegal enters, the cost goes down and the non-compliance with rules and regulation go up.

government currently has a sting to go after people doing construction work for more than $500.


wonder how many are illegals and if it's "ok" to check.

what about the homeowners being cited for hiring and illegal?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
Until you've worked in the Chicken Plant with me, or the kitchen with Telos, you won't have comapssion. Until someone has seen the social ills that Knabe has seen in California, you really don't have room to argue for that side, either. Otherwise, the vast majority of posts on this thread are based upon hear-say.
Let's just go back to bashing Genetic Defects and Carrier bloodlines.


Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Until you attend a funeral of a 32 year old father, 30 year old wife, 8 year old daugher, 5 year old daugher, and their 2 year old brother, I guess you won't have compassion either.
Did I mention the person couldn't speak english (supposedly) nor did they have insurance, nor could they be located to face charges because the ID and address they gave was fake. 
Do not preach to me about having compassion for these people.

I also agree with knabe, do not stop at big business. Arrest all those people who are hiring these folks for housekeepers, lawn keepers, and farm labor. Make the law pertain to every single one of them.

But gatorbait hit the nail on the head.... if all of these "welfare americans" were to get off their duff and be made/forced to work, we wouldn't be having this discussion!



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
Trouble is, Ma'am, they(Welfare Recipients) won't work, unless something forces them out of their comfort zone. For example, take New Orleans. Many people left after Hurricane Katrina. They now live in places that previously had few, or no, African Americans. One lady over in Siloam Springs was quoted in the paper as saying that she was now glad to be out of the big city, off welfare, and working (for the first time in her life--and she was almost 50yrs old).



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
JbarL said:
what southwestern politics has given us is ..........2 generations of illegal immigrants that have been given apprenticeships in finish carpentry/block masonry/electrical/plumbing/drywall contracting/concrete finishing/roofing and ac work/aluminum widow and screen fabrication/ restructures/agricultural /machinery repair and operators trades careers ....now they want to make them legal and then they can officially start bringing some of there money back from mexico, and  start there own legit business's and compete with those who've played it straight and narrow and struggled through the last 5/10 years??...since when did these become jobs amecians wont do, and why should long standing legit construcition/labor and reasturantures across amercian be prepared to compete against them in all fifty states if they no longer have to hide in states with free range labor, and residents who support it....jbarl
Because, these are jobs that the YOUNGER generation of Americans entering the workforce won't do. 19yr olds go to College, or enter the Military. Few kids want to hang dry wall, milk cows, etc.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I live in California and do not know of any illegal who would work for 5 bucks an hour, 10 bucks an hour and lunch maybe. When I was a kid allot of my friends worked at the fast food places, you no-longer see any kids working there, is it because they do not want to, I do not think so. There are allot of kids in our area looking for a job there just aren't any.
My uncle ran a hay ranch in Nevada, he hired seasonal help that was documented through an agency out of Utah, they were required to pay them 10 an hour, provide housing, a trip to town once a week and transportation home at the end of their contracts. The workers had to be out of the country by a certain date or not be allowed to return to this country to work for 3 years. This is a system that seemed to work most of the same workers would return each year, he did have 2 workers that did nor leave the country by their scheduled date and they did not return the next year.

My uncle said it cost him a little more in the beginning but in the long run it was the right way to do business.

We also had seasonal workers in my area when I was younger and there was a camp for them, with Houses (not chicken coops) buses that took them to the groves, vineyard or what have you. These workers were documented as well they brought their families and worked through the harvest season.
There is a system to make it work it is just not used.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
Eastern Idaho
They might not want to hang dry wall, milk cows, prune fruit trees, move sprinkler pipe but if they option is work or go hungry they might figure it out.  This country was made great because those that immigrated were looking for something better.  Religious freedom, work, or what ever.  They wanted something better.  Anyone that wants to learn the language, get a job, and become a thread in the fabric of society is welcome with open arms in my mind.  That is all it takes join us and become one of us.  Otherwise ship everyone home.  

My wife works in the schools.  Take a guess of how many teen pregnancies had at least one or both of the parents Hispanic?  Only one of 18 pregnancies was not the boy, girl or both Hispanic.  Our little local hospital closed down the OB unit because over 1/2 the babies born could not pay.  Now everyone travels 45 miles or further to a hospital.  This is bigger than just AZ.  LF


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
"I swear Vera. The next time I need some good kitchen help I'm goin' to bypass Immigration and go directly to the Border Patrol. Those documented workers just don't work as hard as my illegals"... From the play, Greater Tuna.

Any and every time there is big money there will be corruption.

The Arizona law will shift to different problems and perhaps more violence. Watch out with what you wish for...But I think it is the right thing to do.

SH. Not every illegal Hispanic is a murderer, graffiti artist, just plain bad or even turn a good neighborhood into a bad one. Do you research their documentation? White folk and even some cattle ranchers do bad things. Are you prejudice? You disappoint me, too.

Now. I need someone to help me mow my grass. Someone might be hungry and need to feed their family.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
identity theft is not tracked as good as it could, but could be easily by e-verification and other tools.  since local law enforcement doesn't check legal status, the crime by illegals is underreported especially in areas largely latino or those that support them such as san francisco which is a sanctuary city.

the best way to lie is with statistics.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Telos: I NEVER mentioned "hispanic".... you did. I am not prejudice... I just listen to the news, and read the paper and from their pictures and their names, I can conclude the obvious.  And since it seems that it is ILLEGAL to ASK for proper ID and proof of citizenship, then I guess I can not check their "documentation". THAT IS THE PROBLEM.
You obviously have a different experience with immigrants than what I have had.  You seem to hire them and work with them with no "troubles". That is different from our local area experience.



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Yes SH. They have helped me keep my doors open for a long time. I am grateful. The domestic work force can not touch them with a stick.

I have been in business for over 40 years with my first illegal worker from Mexico. He is now legal and owns a very successful landscape business in Dallas. He has sent his two children through school. His son is an engineer and his daughter is now in medical school studying to be a doctor. Pretty good for not speaking a word of English. I have employed 11 of his friends and relatives with my present workers being related.

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