Goverment Reality !! N/C

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
How many of you have ever talked with a congressman/woman in person?  The vast majority aren't as dumb/evil/whatever as most people like to make them out to be.  Take a little time to actually look beyond the headline grabbers.

One of the best talks I've ever heard in person was from a relatively unkown Democratic representative from Arkansas during an infrastructure meeting in Texarkana, TX earlier this summer.  Sat down at lunch with him and he answered every question I had very intelligently on a range of issues.  Same thing with many of our Texas representatives I've had the chance to meet over the years - from both parties.

Running a country is way more complicated than its made out to be.  Gripe all you want, our system is many times more efficient than any other country in the world - from the federal govt all the way down to our local towns and counties.  If you don't like things, make time to run for local office.

Our current and future financial problems boil down to one thing - our entitlement programs (social security, medicare, etc).  Those cost of all of those dwarf everything else we spend money on (infrastructure, environmental regulations, agencies, forgeign aid, military, etc.)  We still don't spend as much on entitlements as most counties which is what has France, the UK, and Greece in such dissarray.  But how many of you or your parents are willing to give social security or medicare up?  Don't gripe about everyone else unless you are willing to give something up yourself.  We've done too good of a job making people live longer and its bankrupting us on many fronts.

The other best current event talk I've ever heard, albeit via Youtube, was from Mike Rowe (the Dirty Job/Dangerous Catch guy).  He gave a talk somewhere on our "war on work".  I'm sure you could search for it and find it.  It might have even been linked here a while ago, I don't remember.  My favorite point he made was the fact that we all feel we are entitled to retirement.  The idea of retirement is frankly less than a 100 years old and is probably not sustainable.  For all of history, families took care of each other.  Our system of kids moving way off and expecting the government to take care of our elderly parents through social security, medicare, nursing homes, etc will put a huge strain on our whole economy in the next 20-30 years. The reality is unproductive humans have a really big cost that we all pay for one way or another.  It's not illegal immigrants that's the problem - they work and they take care of their families - they have no other choice.  It's our U.S. citizens that don't work at all their whole lives or that feel entitled to sit on their rears and do absolutely nothing for 20 years after they turn 60 that will break us.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
My thoughts exactly Knabe.  Let the Republicans that were duly elected to office by their constituents "Ride in the Back of the Bus"  (Obama) and be marginalized by the Democrats in power.  Does stink kinda like the era of the Civil Rights movement.

I believe in gun ownership
I believe in Freedom of Speech and religion.  Be that christian, muslim, athiest etc
I believe that our duly elected officials should represent their constitutents  regardless of their personal beliefs.
I believe that less government is more.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
didnt it take democrates to get rosa up to the front of the bus in the first place??.....some one has to sit in the back....let the right sit back there for a while and see whats its like....maybe the constituion will have a different flavor after a few miles.....jbarl

the democrats wanted to keep her there.  they haven't changed at all.  all that changes is who they want at the back of the bus.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
didnt it take democrates to get rosa up to the front of the bus in the first place??.....some one has to sit in the back....let the right sit back there for a while and see whats its like....maybe the constituion will have a different flavor after a few miles.....jbarl

the democrats wanted to keep her there.  they haven't changed at all.  all that changes is who they want at the back of the bus.
what in the world makes you think democrates wanted to keep america segragated??  wasnt it the wallaces and the right mainley in miss. and alabama  who had a problem with it??...they werent democrates my friend....someone has to sit in the back of the one likes to be told they have to......jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
what in the world makes you think democrates wanted to keep america segragated?? ..jbarl

pretty easier, the great divider speaks.

    ** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
    ** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
    ** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
    ** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
    ** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
    ** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
    ** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”

And then there’s this…
Obama told far left Latinos to go out there and “punish” your enemies.

so much for the post partisan president. 


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Things that come out of Obama's mouth to the media are things you would expect out of a kid.  Not out of supposedly the most powerful man on the face of the earth. It started when he was running for president.  Bush would have never stooped to the level to even address some of the bs  that obama gets himself tangled up in.  I would agree Knabe, what happen to bi-partisan.  This morning he said the republicans would have to ride in the back of the bus.  hmmm.  Conservatives out number liberals in this country 2 to 1.  The left has gotton so far left even democrats are realizing it. The democrats sided with the far left in the last election to vote for change.  They didn't realize how far left it was and what change they were voting for.  They've found out 5 triillion dollars later with no new jobs and the housing industry still on the edge.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
jbarl check your facts. It was the southern congressmen that fought civil right passage. Since most of the south was controlled by democrats,democrats owned the south, they fought it like crazy.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
JbarL said:
trevorgreycattleco said:
Good points. I call myself a Demopublican for a reason.
I believe in owning a gun.
I believe in shooting that gun when required.
I believe people can marry whoever they want. It's their life not mine.
I believe in eliminating pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
When I can't find anybody else to do the work, I will hire mexicans.
I believe folks can worship God, Allah, The Great Spirit or the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.
I believe in legalizing marijuana(not popular I know but my goodness, look around, it aint going away and the tax revenue could help a ton and farming hemp could be introduced , fiber, oil, pulp, energy) and killing petifiles, rapists, murderers, and terroists.
I believe JFK was a conspiracy.
I believe we landed on the moon.
I believe American is in BIG trouble
Don't try and take my guns. I got big Rottweilers.
I hate voting because of the candidates we have to choose from but I still vote.
My dad and his dad are(were) lifelong Dems and are from a small coal mining town. He says he doesn't even recognize the Dems anymore. Sad. I hate Nancy Pelosi.
What catagory do i fall under? Crazy? Fruit loop? Independant. green party? (not)

  independent ?.....

Independant Hillbilly party sounds better to me. I bet I could gather a heck of a group of lobbyists.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
Kentland, IN
I won't bother with my opinion but instead a bit of advice given to me by a very wise man(my dad). "The problem with politics is everyone comes up with a conclusion then spends all day looking for facts to support it."  


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
farwest said:
  Bush would have never stooped to the level to even address some of the bs  that obama gets himself tangled up in. 
like the bs he spread about the iraq involvement in 911........mushroom clouds statements..which subusuquently lead to the invasion of the middle east, and the lives of 4000 amercians......TARP....the collapse of the stock market...the housing industry collapse.....the loss of millions amercians savings in the 401 K ponzi scheme
its a shame the right doesnt have a leader who can submit presidental leadership comments on obamas actions or a direction to head instead.......they leave it up to fox news and sara palin to do there talking for can you be a partisan president when theres no one on the other side at a level to even address presidental matters...who is the rights leader??....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
how can you be a partisan president when theres no one on the other side at a level to even address presidental matters...who is the rights leader??....jbarl

hey jbarl, have you ever noticed everything thing you type is partisan?

also, if a guy is doing a good job sinking his own ship, it's a waste of resources to pile on. 


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
The republicans will gain control of the house next week.  Probably not the senate.  That scares me for one reason.  In 2 years the republican's will be blamed for the country 's problems by a man running for reelection for president.  If wed let the democrat's totally screwi it up for 2 more years he wouldn't even get his owne party's nomination and go down as the worst president in history , which he probably will any way.  The tea party in 2 years would be double the strength.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
aj said:
jbarl check your facts. It was the southern congressmen that fought civil right passage. Since most of the south was controlled by democrats,democrats owned the south, they fought it like crazy.
How many of the deep south states did Johnson win after the civil rights act?  How many the the Democrats that voted against the Act stayed democrats?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
.the loss of millions amercians savings in the 401 K ponzi scheme

not to mention the social security ponzi scheme
the union pension ponzi scheme
the government union ponzi scheme
the health care ponzi scheme

it is totally clear to me that there isn't one ponzi scheme any democrat is against.

on the other hand, the 401 ponzi scheme can't be too bad as the democrats want to raid it as it's too successful, and finance other ponzi schemes.



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Hamburgman....are you talking when Johnson was a congresman,vice pres or president of the united states.I kinda forget.Kennedy beat Nixon(he was tanned rested and ready). Kennedy(jfk) was shot. Johnson was vice pres and so took over.Did Johnson get reelected? I remember the famous line" I will not seek and I will not accept the nomination of president for the Democrat party". Vietnam wore him out. I think Nixon was then elected his second run at it in all the turmoil. Then you had Ford,Carter,Reagan,Bush,Clinton,Bush,Barrok wasn't it? It was a long time ago.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I think clinton was superb in muddying the water. He'd say one thing then do something else. Obac says it then he does it. There isn't to much deception attempted


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Did any of you know that  President Johnson raised and showed Hereford cattle.  Also, Shane Meier's father (I think I have this part correct) still takes care if the Hereford cattle that live at the LBJ Ranch.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Johnson was from Texas wasn't he. I saw a documentery one time on him. I hated what he did with the great society deal but he was interesting. They showed footage of him giving a lecture in latter years with a little mini ponytail hairdo. The vietnam deal was hard on him and I'm shorted up his life.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
hamburgman said:
aj said:
jbarl check your facts. It was the southern congressmen that fought civil right passage. Since most of the south was controlled by democrats,democrats owned the south, they fought it like crazy.
How many of the deep south states did Johnson win after the civil rights act?  How many the the Democrats that voted against the Act stayed democrats?
Not very many. Almost none, at all.
Being a Southerner, to be exact, somebody from the "upland South" ( a term coined during the last election by both parties and their candidates, to avoid calling people from the Ozarks and Appalachian regions as "Hillbillies"), I should know. I  heard the story over.....and over....and over....(positive infinity)....during my formative years, at family gatherings on my Dad's side of the family. Pa Ralph, ( as we called my Dad's dad) was a Foreman over at the Flexsteel Industries plant in Harrison. He would go off in a tirade, at times, over this "sell-out" to African-Americans.

I'm glad Pa taught me how to play Dominoes & Pitch ( a card game), though.

the memories!


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
aj said:
Johnson was from Texas wasn't he. I saw a documentery one time on him. I hated what he did with the great society deal but he was interesting. They showed footage of him giving a lecture in latter years with a little mini ponytail hairdo. The vietnam deal was hard on him and I'm shorted up his life.
That is an understatement. Look how ANY US President since WWII, aged at a "warp speed" during their time as our Chief Executive Officer. Clinton and  " W " Bush, are prime examples.
