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How is the Red Angus bull gravity thought of? What are his strong and weak points?
CAB said:AJ, who handles the Gravity bull? Thanks
ROAD WARRIOR said:If you like bulls that are too straight on the hindwheels and small - use him. RW
ROAD WARRIOR said:I don't buy the listed frame score personally. After working several bull sales from Texas through Canada and seeing several hundred bulls sell in the previous sale season, I am concerned about the direction many R A breeders are headed. I saw ALOT of bulls sell in 2010 - 2011 bull sale season that were too straight on their wheels, small boned, small footed and listed with frame score 3+ to -4. Their "performance data" listed them as having yearling weights that were quite admireable, but at 14 to 16 months old, these same bull were a couple of hundred pounds light of what they were supposed to weigh at yearlings.The thing about this that concerns me is that people are calling them "moderate, calving ease bulls". So we sacrifice bone,feet, legs, structure in general, actual performance and do-ability and call them "heifer bulls"? I guess I'm just out of the loop but in the 30+ years I have been involved in the R A breed, it has as a general whole been considered a calving ease breed, with maternal traits and feedstuff conversion. There is a huge difference between cattle that are moderate and cattle that just don't grow. RW