Guaranteeing Cattle to win really?????????

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
I NEVER guarantee any of the cattle I sale to win anything. You can have the best heifer (or steer) to ever put 4 legs on the earth and still get mowed down at a show, whether it be a jackpot show or a major like Houston. Throwing out guarantees is asking for yourself to be proven wrong.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Tommy: Let's think about this for a sec, Ted. Why would somebody put a guarantee on a box? Hmmm, very interesting.
Ted Nelson, Customer: Go on, I'm listening.
Tommy: Here's the way I see it, Ted. Guy puts a fancy guarantee on a box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside.
Ted Nelson, Customer: Yeah, makes a man feel good.
Tommy: 'Course it does. Why shouldn't it? Ya figure you put that little box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter, am I right, Ted?
[chuckles until he sees that Ted is not laughing]
Ted Nelson, Customer: [impatiently] What's your point?
Tommy: The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy; well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser, and your daughter's knocked up. I seen it a hundred times.
Ted Nelson, Customer: But why do they put a guarantee on the box?
Tommy: Because they know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of shit. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
Here is my humble opinion.

There are no guarantees in life. except dying and paying taxes. I would say that to "guarantee a win i pretty strong. I would not discount any calf based on price. I have seen lots of over priced calves but every now and then you see under priced calves. My suggestion would be to take an experienced cattle person with you. Some one you trust and has a good eye. I have a few of those people I rely on from time to time. If the calves have potential then evaluate the price. Ignore the guarantee that is a sales tactic. But you never know. I have seen really good calves take awful pictures and video and live evaluation was the only way you could evaluate them. i have seen really bad calves take really good pictures. I don't agree with how he's selling but you also might find high quality calves people are willing to sell cheaper to get their name out there. I have sold calves cheaper if I knew a family was going to show and feed. And YES some folks only care about $$$ and they don't always get return customers as others have said.
I have said this before-- I have seen 10k calves look like 1000 calves in a very short time. You can screw one up lot easier than make them a winner. Lots of the structural defects can be seen at a young age. Take someone if you aren't comfortable in looking for these insights to future issues.

ditto... for me.

Anyone who does this says alot about them... either big headed or desperate.  I learned a long time ago you there are NEVER ANY guarantees in this life.  And for sure price means nothing in a living and breathing creature. 


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
North Carolina
I wouldn't let his asking price stand in the way or be of concern.  I have seen a $1200 heifer stand in front of a $25,000 heifer at state fairs.  Everyone feels strongly about their own cattle, but I would get someone who knows to go look with you if you are not comfortable making that call.  But I would say that if this is there first year selling cattle it would be hard for them to give any promise on where they will stand in the ring.  I have had cattle win at one show and the next week stand behind the animal we beat the week before with a different judge.....

Best of luck!