Thank you Jason for continuing to run a stand-up place for all of us techno challenged hicks who seem to love cows as much as family. (thumbsup)
We have somke where around 200 free roaming so-called WILD turkey's here, but so far they have not completed thier degree on crossing the language gap from stupid TURKEY to smart COW. (lol) Mine , however, are smart enough to know EXACTLY when I feed twice a day, and have gotten so agressive they actually peck at the calves and steers to chase them off the bunks so they can scavenge nearly all the feed they want. The things are like rats with feathers.
They still can not outrun #6 12 gauge shot though, but I think they are in trining for that even -- some of em are getting REALLY fast.
We had a glorious day here in SW Neb with family, weather was dry, quiet, and in the upper 60's -- can't get much better than that for late November!
We hope every one was equally as fortunate as we were -- best wishes for every one -- and BE CAREFULL on the dreaded day after!! ICK