Harwood is out of the classic bull which is a grandson of meyer. The cow that he is out of goes back to 6807, powerplant, and black max. We bred to him last year and have all of them on the ground now. The look pretty good I think. We used him on bigger cows that were longer necked and we got along really good on those type of cows. Most of them were angus cows but we got a really nice hfr calf out of him and a paddy o malley cow. The calves start out really tall and gangly but really fill out and turn around in the first ten days two weeks. I personally really like the calves (the hfrs anyway) and will for sure use again. He is probably something we will use on our second calvers before we start breedin them clubby.
Sparty-- I find it interesting that he hasnt been producing for well over a year because the semen we got last year had a early to mid april collection date on it if i remember right. Im not sayin your wrong, just was sayin thats when ours was collected and we bred seven units and got seven pregnancies so it must be pretty good stuff.
Freddy-- if you want to see an add for him got the theshowcircuit.com and go under the ai sires link. His add is listed under there.