health care passes

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the house health care bill passed.

too bad the people who voted those in who voted for the bill won't be paying for it.

the logical demise of democracy is when the populace can vote themselves a benefit at the expense of someone else.

may it happen quickly.

a sad day in america.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
OK , not surprising, just darn dissapointing. NOW -- here is the quation I have  <rock>

Who - How - When - WHERE -- etc do we pay for the this manadory insurance plan. ????????

I have no insurance as a self employed family. I have never had insurnce per say, due to the cost for the mot part. We have trully been blessed over the years and not had any major surgery or other huge expenses health wise, so the premiums for unused health insurance were just not justifiable.

If this thing goes as I have heard and read --we all MUST now have insurance -- who in hell is going to pay for it??

If I choose not to play the GAME, what are they  (Gov) going to do about it -- just with hold any proceeds from my tax return until it is all back to zero??? I am just confused and ticked off that these idiots in government will now be one step closer to running my every day life. When is enough really enough folks???

They can go stuff thier mandatory insurance as far as I'm concerned! At least until they can prove to me it is going to be better, and cheaper -- than what  this country already in place -- that would be called "CHOICE" in case any one is wondering!

I feel like our life as we have all knew it will soon end -- any one speak Russian??



Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
We are going to be taxed 3 years before the program starts if it starts. While still having Medicare taken out of our checks. Amazing Obama is really bringing America together just as he promised!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
where will taxes come from when millionaires adjust their income.

CA has a problem where the tax base is rapidly dwindling.  for instance, 200,000 families in CA pay 25% of state income tax.  it's our budget's biggest problem, is that revenues are centered around a volatile income stream and spending is based on when income is high.

the real reason to push the bill for passage is that people will forget about it come election time.

my guess is that they will start spending the up front costs and run out of money quickly as they need 113 new agencies.

the bill is essentially a government jobs bill, just like the stimulus, cap and trade.

soon, one will be able to look around, and everyone will be employed by the government.  at that point, it should be interesting.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
wonderful. just wonderful. Now I have pay for everyone else, who, COULD afford health insurance if they WANTED to.

I have been "self employed" for the last 20 years. Never went a minute without health insurance. Sure, I didn't buy that new TV that I wanted. I passed up the weekend trips to the bar. I don't eat out every week. I haven't bought the "perfect bovine" when I wanted. But damn it, I always had health insurance. Most if not all that do not have health insurance do not have it BY CHOICE. They are not willing to give up something in order to have health insurance.
I find it hard to find sympathy for those people.  Yep, it is expensive, but have you checked into how much a hospital visit is? How about a cancer diagnosis? Pretty darn cheap when ya do the math. 

Didn't the Iowa Senator try and introduce a bill that said the congress and gov't employees HAD to adopt the plan themselves if it passed?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
  I'm like Show Heifer. I am considered a independent subcontractor by my company . So because of that I provide my own insurance. I have a HSA insurance account. It has a $6k deductable. The monthly payments aren't cheap, but they are cheaper than standard insurance. I also get to contribute to a tax free savings account each month. I haven't used it really to speak of, other than an occasional swimmers ear in one of the kids or flu shots. That is until this year. Having just gone thru cancer surgery this past month . I'm sure glad I had some insurance. All the bills are not in yet & I'm at $54k & still have some more procedures to go. Yea, I've got to pay the $6k, but then everything is paid 100%. The other thing I like about the HSA is the fact that if I decide to get a new job , I take the insurance with me.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Doc said:
The other thing I like about the HSA is the fact that if I decide to get a new job , I take the insurance with me.

that is the best competition.  to provide pools of individuals rather than going through and employer. 

then, there wouldn't be people without insurance when they lose their jobs with super high corba premiums.

but, industry and government don't like competition, so it won't happen.  and the populace only votes on social issues, so job creation suffers and then we blame rich people, except that today, the average rich person works for the government.  the public is too blind to see it.

in San Jose CA, two AVERAGE city workers make an AVERAGE of 80K.  so a married couple that works for the city makes more than twice the income of the average family in San Jose.  not only that, it's hard to get fired, they get a pension, and health care.  the voting public is too blind and fooled by government workers and the politicians who represent them in negotiations against the public's interest.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2007
Rice TX
Thumbs down on the health care take over.

My employer has just released our new medical plan for next year and it has changed dramatically because under the socialist health plan coming from the government my employer would be taxed heavily for supplying too much health care benfit, so now I get crappy health insurance because my employer does not want to get the "cadillac insurance" tax.

Just stinks!


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
7357 N. Base Rd. Seymour, IN
I am not sure what the answer is on this, but I know in the last year I am sure glad I had health insurance.  I have paid for many years for a family plan through my employer.  It was not cheap and without many claims at all I often wondered what I could have done with all of that money I felt I was throwing away for something a healthy family would never use.  Well about a year ago that sure changed.  My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and I then became a huge fan of my insurance.  I had some large deductibles, but I think to date I am under $10,000 out of pocket and the projection to complete the treatment is around $160,000.  I guess that money out of my check was not too bad after all.  Again I don't know the answers, but I am sure glad I had the insurance.  I have a couple of nice steers to move which will help with the upcoming out of pocket costs and build the accounts up from the previous costs and believe me my wife is on me to get them sold.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2008
The passing of the health care bill secures the pass of his socialist agenda.  Everything in our lives can be linked to health care.  How can the govt control our lives?  The govt will regulate things in our daily lives that affect us through health care.  Car emission cause cancer.  Regulate air with taxes curtailing driving, cars on the road, oil vs ethanol, etc.  Carbs and fats contibute to increased health care cost.  Regulate sugars intake, meat industry, fast food industry, etc.  Guns and ammo cause an increase in health care costs.  Regulate gun and ammo sale, etc.  That is the scarey part of how we are just going to let the govt control our lives.  As the world celebrate the 20th anniversery of the Berlin Wall, no one seems to care how the socailist agenda is spreading faster than H1N1 virus.  Funny how the media will focus on the passage on Health care but no mention of unemployment passing 10%.  Thats 1 of every 10 persons in America is recieving unemployment benefits.  If you factor in the all others that unemployment benefits have run out, the real unemployment would be close to 18%.  Thats 1 in every 5 Americans is out of a job.  Sure sign the Stimulus is working.  Sure is funny how the majority 38% of the stimulus dollars will be spent the 12 months before presidential elections.  I bet that has nothing to do with re-elections.  I bet 1 in every 5 Americans can wait that long for a job so people can get elected.  Ok, got that out of my system today.  Everyone have a good day.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
We have paid for our own health insurance for the last 28 years.  If I had all the money back that we've paid in we would consider ourselfs rich.  I have a problem paying for other people's care getting coverage.  When are the people that we vote into office ever going to listen to us?  First of all we need to stop imports into this country from China and Mexico, until they start excepting imports from us.  Has anyone seen the size of the ship that comes into our ports every week from China?  Only to go back empty.  Answer to the problem get people back to work in the manufacturing industry and pay people good wages again.  Put a cap on the CEO"S of this country.  Health insurance and the companies that make all the drugs are raking in the money off of us people in this country.  Just hope the next election goes to the conservitives next time around. 


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
There needs to be some form of health reform in this country.  I question whether this is it. It doesn't come in to effect til obamas second term. Let it wreck the country after he's reelected. This , cap n trade. Stimulous , removing missile shields in Europe , closing of the prison at the bay all point to a different objective. Look out.  Itd be good to be a Muslim now.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Cowboy said:
OK , not surprising, just darn dissapointing. NOW -- here is the quation I have  <rock>

Who - How - When - WHERE -- etc do we pay for the this manadory insurance plan. ????????

I have no insurance as a self employed family. I have never had insurnce per say, due to the cost for the mot part. We have trully been blessed over the years and not had any major surgery or other huge expenses health wise, so the premiums for unused health insurance were just not justifiable.

If this thing goes as I have heard and read --we all MUST now have insurance -- who in hell is going to pay for it??

If I choose not to play the GAME, what are they  (Gov) going to do about it -- just with hold any proceeds from my tax return until it is all back to zero??? I am just confused and ticked off that these idiots in government will now be one step closer to running my every day life. When is enough really enough folks???

They can go stuff thier mandatory insurance as far as I'm concerned! At least until they can prove to me it is going to be better, and cheaper -- than what  this country already in place -- that would be called "CHOICE" in case any one is wondering!

I feel like our life as we have all knew it will soon end -- any one speak Russian??


NO, comrade Terry ve  Marxists joost talk like ze hav vays of making you pay!......hahahahha


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
We need to be thinking of which conservative politician has the smarts and skills (Yes those two things are different) to pull it off in 2012.

At the current pace, most small farms and ranches will never be able to pay their taxes and satisfy the carbon movement unless this administration changes.  I have never EVER heard Obama speak about the American Farmer or Rancher.  We are just more pests to erradicate.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Whether for this health bill or against it people need to contact your senators before the vote in the senate.  Their worried about 2010 elections and may listen.

the angus111

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2007
farwest,your exactly right,especially if you have democrat for a senator,exception olympia snow,if she is your senator you definetly need to call is another problem that our senators need to be told,dont let your vote be the congressman in california did.rusty


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Well, surprise, surprise!!! once again they are going back on their promises!!

As currently written, the Senate Democratic health care bill would permit insurance companies to place annual limits on the dollar value of medical care, as long as those limits are not "unreasonable." The bill does not define what level of limits would be allowable, delegating that task to administration officials.

Adding to the puzzle, the new language was quietly tucked away in a clause in the bill still captioned "No lifetime or annual limits."