heat losses in feedlots

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Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
These heat losses may sound high, but I expect they are very real. I remember several years ago, we had a hot spell with high humidity. We had two loads of cattle sold to a plant, and we got them to postpone us shipping them due to the temps. Three days later, the packer wanted them shipped so we sorted them out early in the morning and by the time we got them loaded, two had dropped dead in the pen and another had collapsed and could not get up. I can only imagine what it would be like in areas where it does not cool down at night as it does here.

As for providing fences or whatever to prevent these losses, I think this is a situation that would be very hard to prevent. The heat and the humidity would be unreal, and a set of cattle trying to get shade, would produce an incredible amount of heat, and it may even be worse for them.