Earlier this year I was kicking around on the web and ran across Kopp's online sale. I have never bought anything online or off of a picture alone but something told me this was right. I called and Larry returned my call. I ended up buying one bull calf in the sale and bidding on a few others but didn't want to make the trip from Texas for just one calf. I called Larry back after the sale and asked him if there were any other calves that might make bulls that didn't sell. I don't know why, because I didn't know Larry, but something told me to take him for his word and I bought two more sight unseen.
I heard the news from Larry a few days before I got up to Indiana. He was going in for treatment that day and really wanted to visit with me. He got back just before we left and I was glad because I wanted to thank the man for picking out a calf that had turned in to possibly the best bulls we've ever purchased. We had a good visit talking about cattle and such and to be perfectly honest, I didn't even know he owned Heat Seeker. What happened was after that sale the calf out of Houdini and a Direct Hit first calf heifer daughter started coming on and got real good. Now he could have changed his mind or told me something happened to that calf but after meeting the man, I new that's something that he could never do. I tell people that the one thing that draws me to this business more than anything is the people. Larry Cambell is one of the best.
The calf recently came up lame with a swollen ankle so I'm doing everything I can to nurse him back. I've got to because I promised to send some semen back to Tim and Mr. Ott.