Heatwave 5 Heifer

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
JnK showcattle said:
Heifer looks really good! (clapping) As far as what you bred her to again (clapping) If your looking for a true calving ease bull that still throws them hairy with bone and a hip try mercedes benz. Our biggest calf was 80 lbs and it was out of an eye candy heifer. so yes you will have to watch her closely around calving, keep up the good work, you urself can decide what works in your herd and breed accordingly. AS FOR YOU PEOPLE ON HERE SLAMMING HIS SPELLING WHO CARES THIS ISNT SCHOOL ITS A CATTLE FORUM!!!!!!!

And here is one of the biggest reasons that agriculture is looked upon by most of society as a bunch of dumba** hicks that don't know how to do anything else besides ride around the farm and drink cold beer. Have some respect for yourself and the industry you are representing. That starts with being well spoken and actually caring about the way in which you come across.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JnK showcattle said:
What did i say that makes you think that? i gave an opinion. also this is a cattle forum.

people try and do their best in the ring.

try and do their best elsewhere.

people are just commenting to be consistent and strive to improve, not look for an excuse to do the minimum.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2011
And here is one of the biggest reasons that agriculture is looked upon by most of society as a bunch of dumba** hicks that don't know how to do anything else besides ride around the farm and drink cold beer. Have some respect for yourself and the industry you are representing. That starts with being well spoken and actually caring about the way in which you come across.


That is the first time I have ever heard of agriculture being thought of that way.

Carlson Cattle

Well-known member
Apr 27, 2012
JNK Show Cattle thank you so much do u have any others besides mercedes benz?? Also thank you this is a cattle forum


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
redirtroad said:
And here is one of the biggest reasons that agriculture is looked upon by most of society as a bunch of dumba** hicks that don't know how to do anything else besides ride around the farm and drink cold beer. Have some respect for yourself and the industry you are representing. That starts with being well spoken and actually caring about the way in which you come across.

That is the first time I have ever heard of agriculture being thought of that way.
Well then I would suggest that you wake up and look at what Congress has done, and what HSUS presents the family farm as doing. People, you can only turn a blind eye for so long before we are going to have a much bigger issue on our hands than educating the general public about what we do and the degree to which we have taken education in order to feed the world.

Cattle Cards

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2011
Stay on topic, please.  And would some of you stop being bullies?  And we wonder where our kids get it...


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2012
SW. Iowa
I still like the advice given on here a while ago,  " show good breeding cattle, don't try to breed good show cattle".  For 99% of us that is outstanding advice.

As for grammar on forums.....  I have been on several different forums for several different industries, cattle, dog, healthcare........

Everyone has a set of self appointed grammar police that bash people for misspellings and grammatical errors.  It really gets tiresome to read.    To me chat forums are about an exchange of ideas, I like to think of it as having a conversation sitting on a tailgate, perhaps witha cold beer, with someone more knowledgable than I, that lives a long way away.......  Ideas are the main point, and as long as I can make out what the person is trying to say, good enough for me.  Also remember that sometimes smartphones or iPads or what ever may autocorrect to a word or spelling they think you mean, or perhaps a smart phone is small enou to not be able reliably proof read.......

Informal forum, regards


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2008
Greenfield OH
I guess I more and more tend towards a feminine breeding female.  They will still throw good show steers when bred that way, and at least it's been my experience that the calves come at more of a consistent quality.  The Heatwave and similarly bred "clubby made" heifers look good in the sales, but there's a reason that they sell for less than a good maternal, correct, deep made Sim-angus or high % Maine cow, and particularly those with a solid pedigree (e.g., Meyer).  They will simply be more consistent in production, whether you breed them for club calves or breeding type animals.  Contrast this spring born Mercedes X Dubai (Irish Whiskey) with the Heatwave calf.  She won't pop you with power or win a commercial class , but I'll take these in the long run for my herd. 


  • Mercedes Benz Heifer (resized).jpg
    Mercedes Benz Heifer (resized).jpg
    275.8 KB · Views: 172


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
As far as the heifer goes, be smart in your bull choices for her, watch her closely when it is time to calve, and do not over feed her especially in her last trimester.

Ridin heifer I did not understand your post on Heat Wave at all, the bull, "well his clones", and his sons are still used heavily by many top producers. Your post was more of a rant then an informative post.

As far as grammar, I am the first to admit my grammar is not the best, but when your post lacks any form of structure, it is very hard to follow the meaning of the post. Take the time to wright your point, question or comment fully, punctuating where it needs it and people will be able to understand the post fully.

JnK showcattle

Active member
Aug 7, 2011
We just starting using mercedes benz. For several years we used witch doctor. i know he is an older bull but you cant beat his low birth weight, semen is very cheap plus his females make awesome cows. With us we have been breeding more maternal than clubby due to the fact we have not tested our cows to see if they are dirty or clean. Maverick we have used on heifers and have had good results with him as well.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2011
Vc...I was referring to breeders I personally know and work with that are very successful at creating high quality animals that can win.  One of which was a partial owner of babe Ruth.  Imo...they know good cattle and how make them and pick them...they've been doing it for a while and I respect their opinion because I know they will help me make the best decision for my scenario...they've been there with the HWs and won't go back no matter how many winners he makes.  Just saying, that's where I was coming from and yes may have been a rant, but an idea that is valid regarding heat wave females and op should know since he has one.  He's not for everyone...and imo his style is starting to go out of style

Carlson Cattle

Well-known member
Apr 27, 2012
i also have a hannibull and hairy bear cows any suggestions on what to breed them 2??


Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Nacogdoches, TX
My advice, this is not meant to be a bully, just trying to help.  I dont always have perfect grammar or spelling on here.  Sometimes it is an honest typo.  Sometimes I am tired.  Sometimes I am just in a hurry and not paying attention.  However, even though I am not always succesful, I always try and make sure my point comes across clearly.  I agree with some of the others on here.  I don't know what your goal is in this industry.  Are you just trying to produce calves for you and your family to show? Are you trying to sell calves?  Is this something that you would like your career to be centered around?  The answers to those questions make a big difference in how much your grammar matters.  If you want to sell show cattle, or if you want to have a career somehow based around this industry, then yes, your grammar and spelling needs to be better.  If this is just a hobby and you are not trying to make an impression on others, then I guess you don't really have to worry about it as much.  If you are trying to make a living doing this or sell something, then every impression you make matters, even bad grammar and spelling on a cattle forum.  If you dont take yourself and what you are doing seriously enough to take the time to present yourself here in a professional manner, then most potential customers or employers are not going to take you seriously enough to consider buying from you or hiring you. And you never know who may be sitting across from you in a job interview someday, it just may be one of us.  Again, I wasnt trying to be a bully, I was trying to give some good, constructive advice.
Now on to the questions you have been asking about cattle.  My first advice, this comes purely from observation of things you have said on here, find someone you trust and someone that you feel like you can build a learning relationship with to help you out.  I dont know how old you are, how long you have been involved with this, or what your knowledge level truly is, but from some things you have posted I think there is a large part of the basics of breeding and raising show cattle that you still need to learn.  That is my first advice.
Advice on this heifer, I tend to air on the same side of the fence as Chambero.  I know a lot of people hat Heatwave females.  Yes you have to help them sometimes, but I have seen plenty of them that perform just fine in the pasture producing calves.  My advice with most clubby type females is to always try and stay away from any monster BW bulls, the cow is going to bring enough of that herself.  Have you had her tested for TH and PHA? If you dont know her status I would also recomend that you stay towards clean bulls.  It doesnt sound like you are a big enough breeder to endure the potential loss of having a lethal calf and possibly losing the cow.  I think this heifer is the type that could produce some pretty good steers.  I would want a bull that is really extended in his design, clean fronted, and stylish on the profile.  This heifer isnt necessarily bad in those areas, but she does tend to have a slightly more terminal look than I generally like my heifers to have.  I would worry that bred to a bull that tends to be a little coarser, you would really run a risk of a coarsely put together calf.  As far as what to breed her to next year if she is already bred, I would say to wait and see what this calf does.  I 80 has a lot of Maine influence, as does your cow.  If it clicks and works well and you like the calf, then going back with more Maine influence may be the decision for you.  If you dont like the calf, then you may go for something totally different.  It is hard for any of us to make solid recomendations on this heifer, we havent seen how she has developed in the past 6 months, which could majorly influence our opinions, we also dont know what you find desirable in calves.  The most important thing is not to try and please everyone else at this point, just produce calves that you like, if they are good someone else will like them to.