Implants and Paylean were both developed for the commercial feed lot, where they not trying to get more out of the cattle. Is everything you mentioned AJ any different than what goes on in sports, Olympic swim team with their enginered suits, special diets, training 8 hours a day or more. Even little leagues have bats that are loaded up so a kid that should only hit the ball to the out field now hits it over the fence.
I think it is like everything else, when people compete they look for an edge, You and I feed the same and are calves are always close, I find a new product out there that helps my calf grow faster than yours, I beat you, you find a product that grows hair, and start using the same feed I do, so you beat me the next year, this go on and on and on. When showing an animal you want to have it at its best at the right time, that only makes since, and why not use everything available to you to do that.
Terminal genetics, maternal genetics, show calf genetics, all of these gentics where developed with an end gaol in mind, they are just differnet goals for each. I think it comes down to envy, you work your behind of on your cattle and think they are good, sale off your top heifers for 2000 each and then see a shorthorn steer go for 40,000, kind of burns a little.
Does it get out of hand sure, but so is making little 9 year old Tommy spend 2 hours a day at baseball lessons before baseball practice.
Like I stated before, raise what you like and get off the backs of the people who raise something different.