Ed Mcmahon's death today is a true sad event. He is a legend in our times from his association with Johnny Carson and the Tonight show, as well as many years as the MC on Starsearch. Ed McMahon was a class act, whenever you saw him on TV, whether it was doing comedy with Johnny, his years introducing many future stars on Starsearch or his many charity events such as Jerry Lewis's telethons, or his promotion of many products in commercials on TV. He will be missed!
I hate To even mention this other event of the day in the same thread.The announcement of John and Kate's pending divorce is, in my opinion, almost a sleezy event. Does anyone else feel that the way they used this divorce announcement to pump up their TV ratings, as being almost sleezy and at least very poor taste? It seems to me that no one has even considered what the consequences of this will have on the 8 kids. Divorce is unfortunately a fairly common event these days. But to go through it in front of millions of people watching, on their TVs seems so wrong to me. This should be a fairly private matter, not something to be discussed openly by people who don't know this family and will never meet them.This is a couple that have little class and their only claim to fame is that they had 8 kids thanks to some fertility drugs. To me, this is going to have some major affects on these kids. Divorce is hard enough on kids when it is done privately. This one in plain view of anyone who wishes to watch, will have some devastating and long term affects that I think will not be good. Unfortunately, this sadly tells a tale of what is happening in our society today. The boundaries of right and wrong get stretched and grayer every year. Reality TV is not helping us define these boundaries unfortunately... most of it is classless, mind mush that picks aways at public decency.
I'm sorry to have to think about this event in the same period of time as Ed McMahon's death. Ed had a good life and I am sad to see him go. May he rest in peace. To John and Kate, all I can say is I hope you leave soon, and I hope we have all forgotten who you are in short order. I wish the best for your kids... for you... well you will get what you deserve.