Heifer Halter Issue - any advice?

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New member
Mar 8, 2013
I have a 8 mo old lim-flex heifer that was halter broke by the breeder.  She is good to lead, sets up well and tolerates the stick very well, but when you try and catch her in the stall she plows shavings with her nose to avoid the halter and spins circles.  So we spent a week just going in and brushing all over - she loves it, no more circles.  Figure we are all friends now right?  Nope, pick up a halter and the nose goes to the ground and spins circles.  I can halter her with a show stick with just a few laps but not comfortable with my daughter catching her at this point. Anyone have any ideas?  We turn out at night so I don't like leaving halters on.  We have had her about a month, so not too long, but generally long enough - this has been an issue from day 1.  The thing that strikes me is how adept she is at avoiding the halter! It seems learned and almost fearful, although once you have her haltered (around the neck is not caught for her) she is fine. 


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
Run her into as small a pen as you have.  Get her caught using whatever methods work and then give her some kind of treat -- cattle cake, hay cube, anything that she likes.  Do it over and over.

Have had a couple we just had to rope every time for a month.  Never swinging the rope, but just a flip over the head and let them run around without choking them until they give up.  Then the treat once the halter is on.  Seems they come around pretty fast if they get something out of the deal.


New member
Mar 8, 2013
Thanks - I have never given treats to calves because I was afraid of making cookie monsters - but I for this one I think may be the best idea.  Will grab a bag of something tasty tonight and see how we make out:)


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
Treats have to be used carefully and only for specific things like haltering or you will get the spoiled cookie monster.  We had one that wouldn't go in the grooming chute without someone pushing from behind and treats worked well for the limited purpose of getting the steer in the chute.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
How is she with a showstick and scratching her, I have a bred heifer, who was shown just a few times as a calf. I can go out in the pasture with the halter and she will run away. I can go out with the halter and the showstick and if I get the showstick on her she will freeze and just stand there as I put the halter on her.

As far as getting them caught when they are like you are talking about, it always took 2 of us, one to halter and one to stand behind and of to the side to keep them from turning back and running.

A girl in out club had a steer that was the same way, they just put a extra panel in the corner and swung it in on him once he was in the corner kind of like a squeeze, works if the ornery but not wild.

Bottom line is finding what works for her, everyone we have had have been different when it comes to haltering, some if you come head on will stand, from the side they run. Heck we had a pair of steers that you could not catch but they would run into the barn and go to their tie spots and stand and let you halter them there. Just take your time and don't get frustrated you'll find a way that works.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Take the halter in.
Every time she does something you don't like, move her out.
When she dies something you like, scratch her or whatever.
Break it down move by mice and let her bubble of intolerance move over you instead of you into it.