These heifers both have the raw pieces needed but are lacking the "look". They are both a touch thick necked, but a sweat collar may help you there. They are also lacking a little neck extension and the second one looks a little bit straight on her front wheels . I like the first one better because of her depth of body and she is a little less piecey than the second heifer. In the second heifer, there is a shoulder, her middle, and her stout hindquarter and she looks like she is just a touch more "steery". Her underline is straight but she does not have the capacity or depth that the first heifer has. She is definately not bellied as nice as the first heifer. The picks make me question the way they set their rear legs but it is probably just the pics because Im sure they can get around just fine. Overall, nice heifers and they should both turn in to good cows. To me, the first heifer looks a bit more femine and is my pick.