Yes, we are taking her to the Royal -- will you be there?
The extra skin is pretty common, but there are varying degrees of it. Just depends on the genetics. Those that are super clean like the clubbies are only percentage Braunvieh.
Braunvieh is a pure breed that originated from the Swiss Alps. It is not a cross of any kind and the Brown Swiss was actually developed from the Braunvieh in the 1800s. Today, they have no genetic similarity of any kind. The Braunvieh's biggest assests are their materal traits (excellent udders and milk), carcass (low yield grade but grades choice with big REA) and efficiency (moderate frame, very adaptable, super disposition). They cross well with many breeds. Did anyone see the show on them on RFD-TV the last 2 weeks?
I really appreciate the comments on the heifer!