Showcalves said:
Hey guys. I had found a place online to order livestock judging videos to use with our 4-H kids. Messed up and didn't get them marked and now I can't find the site again. Anybody know where I could find some high quality videos? Thanks.
First of all, Showcalves, welcome to the board! Second, what state are you in? Does the University have a decent livestock judging program? Sometimes the University teams feel charitable to the 4H and FFA kids and will share tapes of reasons with you. Let me know the ages of the kids you are trying to help. I am a admitted livestock judging groupie!! I would love to help if I can.
A source that is a good one for the $$$ is www.judging101.com this is sponsored by the Kansas State University judging program. The "Judging livestock" unit that covers all three species for $49 is a great deal and the information is pretty current. When it comes to giving reasons, the terms have to be up to date! Check it out !