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Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
I'm glad you've accepted the fact that it wasn't a drunk that committed the murder, but in fact an irresponsible drunk driver.

Yes I have accepted that fact, don't know if that person was a drunk or not, was an irresponsible drunk driver, the end result was the same, 3 dead people, my sister one of them and the driver was arrested for 3 counts of vehicular homicide. Alcohol is legal and kills every day so just cause if drugs were legal you would still have drug dealers to get around the taxes and make it them their self and there still will be killings with drugs involved. I only post on this because their are ALOT of young people that read topics on this forum and I think it is sending the wrong message to these children or young adults that are very easily influenced. To me it sends saying if drugs should be legal, they can't be that bad. Yes drugs are bad, don't get in that trend as you will wish one day that you didn't if you start. That is my gripe with this whole topic, if I can stop just one person from reading this topic from wanting to experiment with drugs, I am happy, hopefully more.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Wow, did this thread ever get hijacked!!  We don't need a whole board anymore---we'll just talk about every topic on one thread I guess!


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
oakbar said:
Wow, did this thread ever get hijacked!!   We don't need a whole board anymore---we'll just talk about every topic on one thread I guess!
It kinda all pertains to Obama and whomever if anybody replaces him this go around (what they are for or not for).  IMO 
I will try and look at the big picture on what they can do for this country and not their stance on certain issues that I disagree with.  Their is not an ideal candidate right now, that I know of (at least for me).


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Big M Show Cattle said:
I'm glad you've accepted the fact that it wasn't a drunk that committed the murder, but in fact an irresponsible drunk driver.

Yes I have accepted that fact, don't know if that person was a drunk or not, was an irresponsible drunk driver, the end result was the same, 3 dead people, my sister one of them and the driver was arrested for 3 counts of vehicular homicide. Alcohol is legal and kills every day so just cause if drugs were legal you would still have drug dealers to get around the taxes and make it them their self and there still will be killings with drugs involved. I only post on this because their are ALOT of young people that read topics on this forum and I think it is sending the wrong message to these children or young adults that are very easily influenced. To me it sends saying if drugs should be legal, they can't be that bad. Yes drugs are bad, don't get in that trend as you will wish one day that you didn't if you start. That is my gripe with this whole topic, if I can stop just one person from reading this topic from wanting to experiment with drugs, I am happy, hopefully more.

With the exception of the hullucinogens, alcohol is BY FAR the most intoxicating.  Why are you not pushing for the illegalization of alcohol?  There are a lot of young people on these boards and I think it is sending the wrong message to these young people that are easily influenced. To me its saying drugs should stay legal.  I'm personally offended that a deputy would get on here and condone doing a drug.

If I can encourage one person from being a sheep blindly following the heard to SNAP OUT OF IT, and to exercise sole dominion over their own lives -to be free to make choices for themselves, then I am happy.  


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Kids see right through the hypocrisy issue with drugs and alcohol.  Just ask them.

I have enough faith in myself and kids it won't be an issue. At some point, they are going to have to defend themselves against their peers with regard to decisions that will affect the rest of their life.  For whatever reason, people just make bad decisions.

To me, the best distraction is a hobby and initiative to pursue a career and love.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I don't know if there is mandatory drug testing of the president but I am betting that 70% of the occupy wallstreet people are 70% carriers.


Do some research on "vulnerability" and its association with drug induced psychosis.

I'm glad you've accepted the fact that it wasn't a drunk that committed the murder, but in fact an irresponsible drunk driver.
[/quote]This is another lie manufactured by the so called psychology experts. There is one thing you have to understand before blindly following the pigs off the cliff, these theories are just that, they are theories. Nobody knows when and where they could lose their life or lose control of their mind. The atmosphere and social culture that I want my kids to grow up in is one that says that drugs are bad and that is why they are illegal. Alcohol is a different deal. A lot of bad things come from alcohol but at the same time, responsible adults can drink one or two beers or a glass of wine and not be doing anything harmful to themselves or anyone else.

AJ, I'd say you are probably right about the carriers being 70%. I was a communist too when I smoked weed everyday.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
JTM said:
Do some research on "vulnerability" and its association with drug induced psychosis.

I'm glad you've accepted the fact that it wasn't a drunk that committed the murder, but in fact an irresponsible drunk driver.
This is another lie manufactured by the so called psychology experts. There is one thing you have to understand before blindly following the pigs off the cliff, these theories are just that, they are theories. Nobody knows when and where they could lose their life or lose control of their mind. The atmosphere and social culture that I want my kids to grow up in is one that says that drugs are bad and that is why they are illegal. Alcohol is a different deal. A lot of bad things come from alcohol but at the same time, responsible adults can drink one or two beers or a glass of wine and not be doing anything harmful to themselves or anyone else.

AJ, I'd say you are probably right about the carriers being 70%. I was a communist too when I smoked weed everyday.
[/quote] What credentials do you have to dispute medical doctors? I mean I like the sh!t out of you selection skills with Renegade, but the medical field??? Come on now...
Responsible adults can smoke a J in the privacy of their homes and not be doing anything harmful to themselves or anyone else as well... 
I still love ya JTM, just think you're being hypocritical...  Again, alcohol is considerably more intoxicating.. but its a "different deal"  ::)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
didn't we try outlawing alcohol?

complete waste of time. 

statistically, it causes more death than most other drugs

The leading causes of death among U.S. adolescents are motor vehicle crashes, other unintentional injuries, homicides, and suicides.
Together these account for more than 70% of all teen deaths, and they are preventable.
All of these causes are linked to teen drinking and drug use.
However, alcohol is responsible for more teen deaths than all other drugs combined

perhaps we should start at the top with alcohol and soda.

leave the drug issue out of it and focus on how deaths occur.

some people will just reject the lord.



Active member
Mar 17, 2012
Not really related to the topic but i just got back from New York and thought yall might get a kick out of whats left of Occupy Wall Street  (lol)


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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Sure looks green to me.

Bet they wish they were aborted.

Maybe they can get back to spacecraft online. 

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
XBAR I love how you think you can put words in people's mouth. When did I ever condone the use of alcohol? I said I drink but NEVER encouraged anyone to drink, that is like saying anyone who smokes is condoning smoking, false. I just put that out there as you see I am just being honest about this whole thing, I have a feeling someone else probably is not. With that being said if you graduated high school you should know this, as a Police Officer, I don't make the laws I just enforce them. If you don't like a laws don't blame the police (even though I know you would) blame the people that are voted into office, so go ahead and be offended, you will not be the 1st and sure will not be the last, I am just more mature than that to be offended with you as I know one day you will grow up (you see I have faith in you). Did you do your homework when I said I am a part of Drug Court, to see what it is? I doubt you did, I have not 1 but 3 drug and alcohol addiction therapists that are a part of our drug court team that are in the same office as me. So I do have a little knowledge when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction  but not near as much as the therapists do. To be the good guy here, I am going to talk with them Monday morning at our staffing and ask them. Alcohol is classified as a depressant, there are way more other drugs that are not hallucinogens that make people react more violently(what you would call intoxicating) and are way more addictive than alcohol. But like I said I will ask the theorists Monday morning who all have degrees on drug and alcohol addictions, I don't think you will go out on a limb and say you know more than them considering I'm sure you do your research via internet. You just should stick to cattle mister drug addiction specialist and you will look more mature for your age. Below is the definition of condone encase you wanted to know.

Condone: to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Big M Show Cattle said:
XBAR I love how you think you can put words in people's mouth. When did I ever condone the use of alcohol? I said I drink but NEVER encouraged anyone to drink, that is like saying anyone who smokes is condoning smoking, false. I just put that out there as you see I am just being honest about this whole thing, I have a feeling someone else probably is not. With that being said if you graduated high school you should know this, as a Police Officer, I don't make the laws I just enforce them. If you don't like a laws don't blame the police (even though I know you would) blame the people that are voted into office, so go ahead and be offended, you will not be the 1st and sure will not be the last, I am just more mature than that to be offended with you as I know one day you will grow up (you see I have faith in you). Did you do your homework when I said I am a part of Drug Court, to see what it is? I doubt you did, I have not 1 but 3 drug and alcohol addiction therapists that are a part of our drug court team that are in the same office as me. So I do have a little knowledge when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction  but not near as much as the therapists do. To be the good guy here, I am going to talk with them Monday morning at our staffing and ask them. Alcohol is classified as a depressant, there are way more other drugs that are not hallucinogens that make people react more violently(what you would call intoxicating) and are way more addictive than alcohol. But like I said I will ask the theorists Monday morning who all have degrees on drug and alcohol addictions, I don't think you will go out on a limb and say you know more than them considering I'm sure you do your research via internet. You just should stick to cattle mister drug addiction specialist and you will look more mature for your age. Below is the definition of condone encase you wanted to know.

Condone: to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless

Your use implies general consent.  Consent and condone are synonymous.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Solving other peoples "problems" is addicting.

Legislating them is too, otherwise it would be easier to vote people out of office and we would have shorter legislative sessions.

Its obvious to me the most addictive people are the ones rationalizing banning soda, another drug causiing more harm than most illegal drugs and are addictive as well, just like food. We get all caught up in the illegality of it to rank seriousness and it's a load of frass.

Careful saying someone going to school outqualifies others. They may be addicted themselves and Invented a "discipline"  to manage other people and rationalize their industry.

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
Here you go, this should help you XBAR. DISCLAIMER- 21 means 21 which means you should not consume alcoholic beverages if you are under 21, If you are 21 or older you may consume alcoholic beverages at your own RISK and the poster of this disclaimer does not assume any responsibly of you consuming alcohol. I have and do consume alcohol rarely and do alot of cooking (love simmering brats in beer) with it but DO NOT encourage or codone your alcohol use, The poster of the disclaimer is also over 21.

There that should help you, I'm sure you have read disclaimers before as almost everthing now have some sort of a disclaimer. Figured I would put that in as I don't agree with your wording of condone nor is it excepted in that context in the English language, but figured that would help you with the disclaimer. Just because it's my job does not make it right? (Good movie though) but your law makers that were voted in made it right, If I did not enforce the laws, then I would not be doing my job and there for do not deserve to be paid by the wonderful tax payers (including myself as a tax payer).


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Big M Show Cattle said:
Here you go, this should help you XBAR. DISCLAIMER- 21 means 21 which means you should not consume alcoholic beverages if you are under 21, If you are 21 or older you may consume alcoholic beverages at your own RISK and the poster of this disclaimer does not assume any responsibly of you consuming alcohol. I have and do consume alcohol rarely and do alot of cooking (love simmering brats in beer) with it but DO NOT encourage or codone your alcohol use, The poster of the disclaimer is also over 21.

There that should help you, I'm sure you have read disclaimers before as almost everthing now have some sort of a disclaimer. Figured I would put that in as I don't agree with your wording of condone nor is it excepted in that context in the English language, but figured that would help you with the disclaimer. Just because it's my job does not make it right? (Good movie though) but your law makers that were voted in made it right, If I did not enforce the laws, then I would not be doing my job and there for do not deserve to be paid by the wonderful tax payers (including myself as a tax payer).

Using your logic; because abortion is legal, it must also be "right".


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
God approves of beer......he wants people to be happy........he invented whisky so the Irish would not rule the world.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Big M Show Cattle said:
I did not enforce the laws, then I would not be doing my job and there for do not deserve to be paid by the wonderful tax payers (including myself as a tax payer).

How do you prioritize which laws to enforce? 