Peer pressure gets a lot of things accomplished. My nephew was scared to death of the cattle, had no interest at all in showing until my niece turned 7 and started showing, within the next 2 months he all of a sudden decided he would like to show also. The teaching idea was great, or just someone that your daughter looks up to that could give her some encouragement.
itk, I know just how you feel. We started Logan off on the wrong foot, he had won Jr. National's before he was able to even show in 4-H, he came right on the heals of Tony so it wasn't like he had to start from scratch. I remember the 1st time he stood last in a class he looked over at me like he wasn't sure what to do, there must be some mistake. I think part of learning to win is learning to lose, hard for the parents to live through, but I think it is a necessary step for the kids to develop healthy self esteem, you don't always win and it isn't personal, that's just how life works.