Long story here, but I'll keep it as short as possible. Last weekend we took our steers to get hooves trimmed. We also took a friend and his boy along with their heifer. When we got there, the heifer needed to be haltered, so my son (10 years old, 70 pounds soaking wet), my friend, and his son went to catch her. My boy (having been around cattle, and knowing their tendencies for the most part) and the rest of us crowded her in a corner so we could get the halter on her. She puts her head down and comes after him, and works him over a little bit in a cable fence until we can get her out of there. He wasn't hurt, other than his left arm was sore for a day or 2, scaring him more than anything. I tried not to make a big deal about it, and we went on and caught her.
Fast forward to today. My son and I go out to catch his and my daughter's steers, so we can worm them. (We've had our steers since April, and my kids mess with their animals alot, so the animals are haltered, lead, washed, etc. by my kids, with only their mother's and my help when necessary.) While he's walking up to halter his steer, the steer tries to come after him (just like the heifer the other day did). Luckily he was able to get away, and I haltered him, no problem. Later on this evening, we go to feed, and he tries the same thing when my wife gets near him. I then go up to him, trying to get him to do that to me....nothing, he turns and walks away. I am a big advocate of making them feel good when we're around, so they associate that with us, but I'm thinking very seriously about letting my wife/daughter/son carry a handheld hotshot in case he tries to do that again. I'm afraid for their safety, but I can't be there all the time, and furthermore, I want this to be our project, and not mine.
Does the hotshot thing sound like it would work? Do you folks have any other ideas?
Fast forward to today. My son and I go out to catch his and my daughter's steers, so we can worm them. (We've had our steers since April, and my kids mess with their animals alot, so the animals are haltered, lead, washed, etc. by my kids, with only their mother's and my help when necessary.) While he's walking up to halter his steer, the steer tries to come after him (just like the heifer the other day did). Luckily he was able to get away, and I haltered him, no problem. Later on this evening, we go to feed, and he tries the same thing when my wife gets near him. I then go up to him, trying to get him to do that to me....nothing, he turns and walks away. I am a big advocate of making them feel good when we're around, so they associate that with us, but I'm thinking very seriously about letting my wife/daughter/son carry a handheld hotshot in case he tries to do that again. I'm afraid for their safety, but I can't be there all the time, and furthermore, I want this to be our project, and not mine.
Does the hotshot thing sound like it would work? Do you folks have any other ideas?