Here is an interesting article that I found online!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007

Conflict of interest issues are a really big deal in every public organization.  The whole show industry - including professors - need some serious ethics training. 


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Agree 100% with with Chambero. Practicing good ethics is a lost art.

At least someone was brave enough to write their interpretation of how the event unfolded.                                                   

Seriously, people forget how small the world is getting and think they can get by with such behavior.                                     

<cowboy>...Or maybe Schaake realized the cattle he was picking throughout the day were not as practical and then came across a more functional animal as he judged the crossbreeds. With this newly discovered revelation, he had no options and simple had to use him in the Grand Champion drive.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Compare all those animals that go to the feedlot versus the reserve.

How different are they (a lot).

Those cattle are not overly muscled, excessively wide strided, excessively haired., excesissvely deep bodies and soggy, excessively boned,etc.

Perhaps he just wanted to make a point and is sick of show cattle that he feels dont work in the feedlot and wanted to go out with a bang. 

That he used a friends steer made it bad though. There was probably others he could have used and or countless other sorts if he wanted to do that. There has to be some reason as its too obvious.


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2008
I'm pretty sure that it was Schaake that judge the NM State Fair in the late 90's and use a yield grade 5 steer to win it.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
This is the same article that was posted a few days ago by loveredcows.

Until cattle shows are determined by a carcass contest without hair, hide, color, clip jobs, and exhibitors it will ALWAYS be someone's opinion that selects the winner. 

I do not like to get beat by an animal that I feel is inferior to mine, but I also will never throw a tantrum when I get beat. I have seen grown men leave the ring early, throw show sticks in the holding area, and bad mouth the judge at the cattle barn watering hole.  I have seen professional steer jocks at a very small local county fair pumping (filling), and giving a full clip and fit job when it is painfully obvious that the steer could have cleaned house without cheating (the exhibitor was sitting in a lawn chair playing video games).  All of this behavior is inexcusable, and pathetic for adults and only gives the youth a bad example.

Every time I see questionable behavior from a youth, I only have to look to the adults in their lives to find the reason.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
This article is not talking about kids/fitters cheating, it is talking about the conflict of interest situations these judges readily get themselves into.  Two totally different things and something show officials should enact policies that guide how they pick judges and require them to essentially sign contracts promising they dont have any.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Without seeing it in person, I'm not gonna say whether it happened in this case or not.  I've seen it happen enough times that I know it can and does.  I've also seen a whole lot of cases where some folks just aren't willing to accept that they might've gotten beat by a better one, and are looking for something/someone to blame it on.

Don't know whether that one had a Bonham tag, or any other kind of tag, but banning tags is not going to change any of this.  Although it might be a step in declaring that a show objects to this kind of activity, it can't stop someone at ringside from indicating which calf "to use" or in this day in age from the judge receiving a full color picture of the animal and/or exhibitor on their very own phone prior to the show.  It all goes back to whether politics (ultimately $) trump ethics for the judge.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
BTDT said:
This is the same article that was posted a few days ago by loveredcows.

Until cattle shows are determined by a carcass contest without hair, hide, color, clip jobs, and exhibitors it will ALWAYS be someone's opinion that selects the winner. 

I do not like to get beat by an animal that I feel is inferior to mine, but I also will never throw a tantrum when I get beat. I have seen grown men leave the ring early, throw show sticks in the holding area, and bad mouth the judge at the cattle barn watering hole.  I have seen professional steer jocks at a very small local county fair pumping (filling), and giving a full clip and fit job when it is painfully obvious that the steer could have cleaned house without cheating (the exhibitor was sitting in a lawn chair playing video games).  All of this behavior is inexcusable, and pathetic for adults and only gives the youth a bad example.

Every time I see questionable behavior from a youth, I only have to look to the adults in their lives to find the reason.

Chambero - I guess I should have started and stopped with that statement.