quote from garybob
Learn your Spanish from seasonal workers? In the midst of all this immigration reform debacle in DC, I must say, that, I have more respect for the folks willing to come here and work, than for the folks in washington, whom, have never worked a day in their life. Gracias, Amigos!
black markets for labor and work on your house (ted stevens from alaska who had his residence searched by irs and fbi) do nothing but decrease wages, increase contempt for rules, dissolve the concept of rules, and in the end, countries. rules are rules.
In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard wrote, "This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families or ambassadors, or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons." Senator Howard wrote the addition phrase specifically because he wanted to make it clear that the simple accident of birth in the US is not sufficient to justify citizenship.
citizenship is not based on respect or feelings, but a concept of equal access under the law and prosecution for violators, including ted stevens, jefferson in louisian, reid in nevada for his shady shenanigans in land deals and water rights, feinstein and channeling billions in defense contract to her husbands company, and illegal entry, all worthy of prosecution. the equal protection clause guarantees that laws, once written, wil be enforced regardless of our respect, and of course eliminating them through legislation, rather than neglect or arbitray political expediency or conversion to populism or communism. we are a republic, not a democracy.
i agree with you garybob, i have little respect for those in washington.