Well-known member
Hey, where the heck did the OXYMORON thread go? I was having fun following the disscussion on that one. I think what Gene meant when he stated that some of the best cattle will come from PHAC bulls, is that we can still mate carrliers to clean cows hoping for a clean test on the prodegy. I think the reasons that some of the things being put into place as far as what to do to address the problems take sooo long, is that the board members relize that it is going to have to be gradual or the economic fall out would be devistating to many families and breeders.
I also think that some of the remarks on this board are so offencesive that the remarks actually keep participation on this website down to a minimum of active participants to the board. It comes off too hard core against others opinions. As long as the club calf world exists as is, there are going to be plenty of THC & PHAC bulls coming out on the market. Look @ what some of these new promotional bulls are bringing in the sales, not to mention what people are paying for the steers. The steer thing blows me away. The prestige of the banner & trophy must be quite a rush. I can kind of see buying a heifer or a bull for a little more money, but man you would have to be confident of winning to pay what some of these steers are bringing.
I also think that some of the remarks on this board are so offencesive that the remarks actually keep participation on this website down to a minimum of active participants to the board. It comes off too hard core against others opinions. As long as the club calf world exists as is, there are going to be plenty of THC & PHAC bulls coming out on the market. Look @ what some of these new promotional bulls are bringing in the sales, not to mention what people are paying for the steers. The steer thing blows me away. The prestige of the banner & trophy must be quite a rush. I can kind of see buying a heifer or a bull for a little more money, but man you would have to be confident of winning to pay what some of these steers are bringing.