Hide and Watch heifer....HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
So i have this heifer, and she is a really nice hiefer that has great genetics behind her. I have bred her three times now and she came in heat today. The first time i bred her to an angus bull. The guy that bred her had a bit of a hard time getting her bred because she is really small in the inside. After that we tried her again with the angus but she came in heat. So we took her to this guys house that we own an ali bull with and tried that. We watched her get bred by him so we know it happend. To day i was up checking on the cows and i notice her with discharge on her tail, she was pracing around and everything was trying to jump and and smell her. And then i saw her standing, so she is in heat i need to know whati should do right away!!!!!!


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
Ditto.  Fertility is what makes the world go round darling.  She doesnt have any....let her go.  Infertility is not something you want to start your herd out with!


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
it just doesnt make sense because her mother is such a good milker and the genetics behind her mother do too?


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
West Jefferson, Ohio
I wouldn't waste anymore time with this heifer. I had a heifer last year that we AI'd 3 times and she never stuck. We turned her out the rest of the summer with our herd bull and he did get her bred. However, she ended up having to have a c-section because her pelvis was so small. So if your heifer is small inside, you would probably save yourself a lot of trouble by just sending her on her way. It is hard to get rid of heifers with good breeding, but the objective is to get live calves and not have difficulty with breeding and calving. Good Luck!

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
If she carry's valuable genetics she may be cystic. It is fairly common and is easily treatable. Once she gets bred it usually doesn't affect the fertility in the future. Have  a vet come and palpate her if possible. We also had one the same way. I also would have the vet do some pelvic measurements while there. If she really is small inside then she may not be the maternal cow you want in your herd.


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2008
I wouldn't get rid of her so fast. If she truly is a "genetic masterpiece" keep her. If she is good enough to keep and feed for a year or so, do it. I had an awesome Angus heifer that I couldn't get to settle so I kicked her out with a bull and two years later (age 4) she had her first bull calf. This calf is about 8 month old now and is "hellacious". Needless to say I'm glad i kept her and this time around she settled to AI on the first try. I'm not saying she will breed as I am unaware of the situation, however I'm just saying that I wouldn't give up so fast.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
orwell said:
it just doesnt make sense because her mother is such a good milker and the genetics behind her mother do too?

Do not confuse milking with fertility, they are not the same my friend....and they can be very antagonistic.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Have you taken her to a vet to see if she is bred? They can still come into heat, even if they are bred. Contact your vet and get an ultrasound done. We just shipped a heifer to the yards for having the same problem. Good luck with yours.



Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
  If she is cycling like a clock, chances are that she is not cystic. If she were mine and you can arrange it, I would leave her @ the neighbors with the bull to let her acclimate herself. Did the bull mount and breed her more than once? Possibly he needed to breed her later in her cycle. Has the bull been cked out? JMO. Good Luck, Brent


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
the other weird thing is, is that she should not have come in heat until tommrow


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
I'm with the others. But, first do get her preg checked, she could be bred, it does happen sometimes. Genetics just don't click sometimes, that is all there is to it. And, fertility is the #1 most important genetic trait. If they can't breed on time then it doesn't matter what the rest of the genetics are, they can't pass them on.

I'd like to know what mcipanda is planning to do with this hellacious bull his 4 year old heifer is now raising. I hope you're not going to pass it on to some other unsuspecting breeder or commercial guy. Just what I would love to have, a really super looking bull who puts a bunch of subfertile calves on the ground.....


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
orwell said:
the other weird thing is, is that she should not have come in heat until tommrow

This isn't weird @ all. Let's say that your heifer is a 18-1/2 day cow. That 1/2 day makes it seem like she is one day shorter or longer depending on how it hits and also depending on when you get the chance to first see her standing. I wouldn't even call your heifer irregular heat. What it boils down to is "when she's standing, she's standing". There can be cows that cycle off of each ovary in different lengths. Good Luck Orwell. Brent


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
randiliana said:
I'm with the others. But, first do get her preg checked, she could be bred, it does happen sometimes. Genetics just don't click sometimes, that is all there is to it. And, fertility is the #1 most important genetic trait. If they can't breed on time then it doesn't matter what the rest of the genetics are, they can't pass them on.

I'd like to know what mcipanda is planning to do with this hellacious bull his 4 year old heifer is now raising. I hope you're not going to pass it on to some other unsuspecting breeder or commercial guy. Just what I would love to have, a really super looking bull who puts a bunch of subfertile calves on the ground.....

Ditto.  Ditto.  Ditto!
You might as well throw out a bull that has a 30% semen test result!  Would you do that mcipanda?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Orwell, how old is the heifer in question?  Someone else asked earlier, and I think it's very important too - could she be too fat?  Are you still hauling her to shows while you're trying to breed her?  Are you hauling her somewhere to be AI'd (or exposed naturally) then turning right around and loading her back up and hauling her home?  Are you sure the semen quality's good, the technician's good, the timing is right???  How about her (your) mineral program?

IMO, missing a 14  month old heifer 3 times, especially if she's fat and/or on a hot ration, and/or if she's being hauled, is not neccesarily reason enough to give up on her.  Sometimes you've just got to let a cow be a cow.  If your tech says she's small inside, maybe she needs a little time to mature.  A shot of multi-min might do wonders...

If she's mature enough, and you feel like everything else is right, and you think she's something special, I'd get her turned out with a bull for 60 - 90 days and see if that works... but that's just me.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
DLD said:
Orwell, how old is the heifer in question?  Someone else asked earlier, and I think it's very important too - could she be too fat?  Are you still hauling her to shows while you're trying to breed her?  Are you hauling her somewhere to be AI'd (or exposed naturally) then turning right around and loading her back up and hauling her home?  Are you sure the semen quality's good, the technician's good, the timing is right???  How about her (your) mineral program?

IMO, missing a 14  month old heifer 3 times, especially if she's fat and/or on a hot ration, and/or if she's being hauled, is not neccesarily reason enough to give up on her.  Sometimes you've just got to let a cow be a cow.  If your tech says she's small inside, maybe she needs a little time to mature.  A shot of multi-min might do wonders...

If she's mature enough, and you feel like everything else is right, and you think she's something special, I'd get her turned out with a bull for 60 - 90 days and see if that works... but that's just me.

  I agree with DLD 100%. Good Luck


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
She was born in November, and she has never been shown becuase she is an off age heifer where i live.And we have a guy that comes to our place and does it for us. He has always bred our cows and does a great job. And we brought the bull to our place put him in with the cows and then we put the heifer in with the cows because we seperate them. and right away we bred her. we also saw her stading. We saw him breed her three times. There is nothing wrong with the bull because we have got calves out of him. We decided to let her go this time and try in her next heat. I am trying to convince my dad to get a vet out here to check her out before we put her out to pasture but i dont think it is going to happen.
DLD said:
Orwell, how old is the heifer in question?  Someone else asked earlier, and I think it's very important too - could she be too fat?  Are you still hauling her to shows while you're trying to breed her?  Are you hauling her somewhere to be AI'd (or exposed naturally) then turning right around and loading her back up and hauling her home?  Are you sure the semen quality's good, the technician's good, the timing is right???  How about her (your) mineral program?

IMO, missing a 14  month old heifer 3 times, especially if she's fat and/or on a hot ration, and/or if she's being hauled, is not neccesarily reason enough to give up on her.  Sometimes you've just got to let a cow be a cow.  If your tech says she's small inside, maybe she needs a little time to mature.  A shot of multi-min might do wonders...

If she's mature enough, and you feel like everything else is right, and you think she's something special, I'd get her turned out with a bull for 60 - 90 days and see if that works... but that's just me.