justme said:
I live in a county of 1200 people with 1 highschool. We play 8 man football here. WOW people live for it. I'm an Ohio transplant into Missouri so 8 man football was a shock. People follow the basketball games close too, but our football team went to state again this year so the guys started the season 2 days after the state finals. Were tough but seems like when the football team is successfull the basketball team suffers. Believe it or not TRACK (I couldn't believe it) ecspecially girls track is big here. Our girls have won state the past 4 years (I think...I maybe off a year of two)
Your high school sounds like ours. Only 90 kids in high school. Whats nice is that any kid with an interest WILL get to play. Usually, most high school kids letter varsity. We play 8 man football. Believe it or not we have a few neighboring schools that play
6 MAN FOOTBALL. Now folks, if you ever get a chance to watch a high school 6 man football game, do NOT pass up the opportunity! You have a passer and a receiver and the rest of the team is one seething scramble!!!
The whole town shows up for basketball. It gives the old guys down at the gas station something to discuss all week. Last week, the coach from the opposing rivalry team blew up at the ref., wouldn't be quiet, got 3 technicals, had to go sit on the school bus until the game was over. You would have thought it was Christmas to get 6 extra free throws and something for all grandparents to talk about!!! ;D
Track is very popular here. Kids have to make the choice between baseball and track. We run a mixed baseball team here. (Boys and girls play together.) Some of our best players are the gals. The current item for discussion is if we will ever uncover the snow on the baseball field!