Pull up a chair cattle people. This is a horse girl. Have had them close to half a century and I am FOR the HUMANE REGULATED slaughter in this country. Here is why:
I do not wish for any animal to have to travel in tight quarters to be slaughtered for too long a distance. Right now, it is not uncommon for these horses to travel up to 20 hours with no stops to get north or south of this country to get to what might or might not be a humane quick ending.
We need at least 4 slaughterhouses across this nation so we can eliminate this argument.
Horse meat is eaten in more countries than we know. If it is valuable the dumbass government should see through humane treatment and slaughter there is profit to be made here. I know...government??profit??? Hard to put those two words together
If people are worried about stealing, we are so technically advanced why not put a chip in their horse. Trackable should they end up by mistake at a facility and an alert has come up for that horse, it can be returned. You could even track this horse through it's lifetime of owners, vets, sales. Duh! You want a saleable product that you can charge a premium for, then be able to show where it came from.
Here is a hairy one. Drugs. You cattle people think you use drugs? My cattle friends ask me what we are using for soundness issues and to keep them calm. Hm mm, I wouldn't eat a show horse if I was near death cause it is probably gonna kill me. No, they don't all do it but I wouldn't take the chance. Bite, ace, the heart drug they use to keep them slow, insulin...get the picture?
As for the BLM. It is a GOVERMENT RUN AGENCY! Enough said
I am for preserving the wild horse in a venue that all can live with. I DO NOT believe any person tr yin to make an honest living on THEIR land should have to put up with any nuisance animal. Wild horse included.
Now we have to consider the drug companies that harvest pregnant mare urine to make Premarin. These mares stand in tie stalls for their pregnancy and are hooked up to a bag that collects the urine. The colts are then either killed or sold. Talk about creating a a product from the misery and probably death of animals! For you ladies out there that must have the natural hormone in your replacement therapy, it really sucks that it has to come from this method. These colts are pretty much worthless. So how does the government going to handle this? For those that don't want the BLM horses run to death, what do you do with a company that the byproduct of their business is a junk foal? That foal is "dead"before it even is born. The mare is re bred on foal heat-9 days after foaling- so she can return to the line.
And who votes on this? The people we have in government that most live in the most populated states on the east and west coasts who I bet have never had an ounce of shit on their designer shoes. You guys in between don't have enough people to garner the votes in Washington to make a difference. How fair is that?
To the beef growers, horses helped start this industry back in the early days and continue to move cattle in many places. Horses DO help you and probably always will have a place on a working cattle ranch.
As for PETA and HSUS, you bet they will be looking at the next industry to meddle in. They have succeeded in the veal barns. Chicken ranchers have long been a target. So get ready. If we don't all take a proactive stance to them, their deep pockets can and will make a huge difference in the profits of the beef farmer. By shutting down the slaughter houses in the US we horse people have nothing to base the bottom of our industry on. Go check out your local sale barn, you can bring a horse home for nothing.
So open a well run slaughterhouse in 4 areas of the US. We need them. There is no place to sent the rogue horse. There is no alternative for the person who cannot feed or care for the animal. Neglect of any animal is never the way to go. And yes, there are horses being slaughtered for their meat illegally. It is not urban legend. Horses dropped at state parks. True. Trailers are now checked for the number going in and the number going out in the trailer.
So this horse girl and pretty much all the people I know are FOR the slaughter of horses. I am FOR the regulation of breeding. Mares and Studs should earn the right to be bred and the associations should be aware that foal numbers don't mean they are breeding the best for the future.