Let me start by saying I owned Hot Spot so I may be a bit biased. But I have had a bunch of calves out of him so I can give you my opinion of him. He will fairly consistently moderate frame and add body and volume. He also adds a lot of muscle and power and a good front end. Birth weights can be all over the place, although the majority of them are 80 -95 lbs I have Had them as low as in the 50’s and up to 120lbs they seem to follow the cows birth weights. Most are very hairy and I have found he doesn't throw much more color when bred to your typical X-bred cow than any other clubby bull with the exception of blaze or brockle faced. He is a red gene carrier, I have seen some Shorthorn colored calves out of him as well as Hereford marked ones when bred to a Hereford. I have had no structure problems out of him or disposition problems. For me the greatest thing I have found are his daughters, they are making great cows, his dam is a great cow who milks great and it seems to be passed down, I must admit that the majority of the females I kept are out of maternally bred cows so I'm sure that helps. Another bonus is semen quality is very high and he was very fertile freezing 800 – 1200 straws per week as a 2-3 year old. Any other questions about him feel free to post it or PM me and I will do my best to answer it. P.S. he is a TH carrier and he is deceased.