I have read all of the posts so far and find this very interesting. First of all, I am a very, very conservative cattleman politically and like to do my own research on things. As old as I am, I don't believe a lot of things people tell me, or what I hear from TV or anywhere else because I've usually found it to be biased at best. I"ve spent some time looking into the Federal Reserve and found out that cotullaguy is dead on in every area that he has talked about. I don't know who this person is, and have never met him, and I think the rest of the people on here are good-hearted people. But what I want to add to this conversation is this - there is no difference between Republican and Democrat in the upper ranks of both parties. There are some good people in the lower levels, but they are few and far between. I've heard this statement many times: "I don't like any candidate, but I'm going to vote for the lesser of two evils." I used to think that, too. But I finally figured out that if you get the lesser of two evils, you still get evil. Think about this: Bush wanted to bail out the bankers, and McCain and Obama couldn't get back to Washington fast enough to vote with him. That is a fact. Thanks again, cotullaguy, for the time you've spent researching and accurately reporting on these subjects.