The internet has opened the world to even the smallest producer. OHIO BREEDER said it is hard for the smaller unknown producer to get customers. That is very true, but that does not mean it is impossible. What I think it does mean is that you have to try a little harder until you get some customers who have good results with some calves you produced. The internet has changed alot of things. It allows anyone to place your breeding program in front of the world. Most of the people buying club calves are young ( at least they are the ones who show the calves, for the most part) and almost any kid I know can commute around the internet leaving us older guys coughing in the dust. The internet provides a very cheap method of advertising to anyone. Get yourself a website. There are lots of people who know how to set one up. I have a friend who had his website set up for a few pounds of good beef.... a product most of us have in a much bigger surplus than cash, sometimes. Link your website to some key club calf sites... like this one. Just as important get yourself a digital camera and take lots and lots of pictures. I carry my camera in my truck at all times. Since I started doing this, it is absolutely amazing how many great pictures I have taken by just driving into the pasture and getting out of the truck and snapping a few. One of the best pictures of a herd bull was taken before I even got the truck to a complete stop. I could see that the bull was standing near perfect as I drove up, so I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures as I was sure he was going to move before I got ready. I was able to take several of the best pictures I have ever taken of him. I took most of the pictures of my sale calves last summer in this way, and I doubt if I spent an hour in total taking some great pics. A digital camera is nice because you can take as many as you need too, to get that great shot. No more of that snapping off a roll or two , running to town to the hour photo shop and then getting your prints , buying more film and heading back to the pasture because none of what you took earlier were OK to use. NEVER settle with a picture if you don't think it shows the animal to it's best ability. A good picture can be worth thousands of dollars. I probably have sold $40,000 to $50,000 of embryos to people all over the world, in the past 3 years, who have purchased them only by only viewing pictures on a website.
If you have a good local market for club calves, keep an ad in the classified ads, and if you have a website, include the website address. That way, locals interested in buying calves can take a virtual tour before the come to see your calves. It seems everyone dreams of selling the $10,000 + calves. Yes, that is nice if it happens, but I don't think it is something everyone should chase. You will have repeat buyers if they buy your calves at reasonable prices and don't lose megabucks in the process. I don't know of too many people, no matter how rich they are, that enjoy losing money. Price your calves at reasonable dollars where you can make a good ( but reasonable) profit. If you happen to get the real hot dog calf along the way, well, then drag him out to a hot dog sale and promote him against the big boys. Most of all, integrity goes along ways, even in this business, that oftentimes seems to have little integrity in it. Honesty and honest dealings usually pay multiples of dividends over the years... and you can sleep at night!