How PETA targets kids

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Shorthorn_Junkie said:
That's interesting, I honestly had no idea that there were horse chiropractors out there. 

I guess I need to crawl out from underneath my!

We have even used a horse chiropractor on our cattle. He does accupunture on their front ends to tighten it up. It appears to work, but I still shy away from all that "vodoo"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
i recently watched a" documentary" of the " facts surrounding the michel vick  case, and the follow up on the remaining animals left behind from his property......besides the dead dogs buried in his yard...and the fights/ breeding/sales and promotion of dog fighting  he was sent to prison far the most interesting point made to me was the fact that once the  peta folks " basked in there momnet of glory......shared pics and the methods of training and  subsequent photos of the grisly details of the sport with amercians....they were stuck with about 12/16 dogs,.... what do yo think they did with them??....kinda like a dog chasin' a car....what are they going to  when you catch it ????....well it seems the peta folks ( surely coudnt kill em"  all ) they put them in shelters......after about 4 months ....the contacted a couple in california that have a "local" pit rescues....called "bad rap".......some one from virgina finally get ahold of them....these folks are contracted to come to virgina......and give a " professional opinion " on the fate of the animals....they have seen it fighting in california is the same as in any state.....these folks were un effected by the normal folks "view" of the real dog fighting they walked in and seen the dogs...for the very first time.....there IMMEDIATE  reaction was the way they had been kept for the 4 months at the " safe house" peta provided.......they visited with the animals inside the facility....then took them out side...the only noticeable " problems" they  seen in the dogs in the first 3 hours were the physical and mental results of the treatment the had received over the last 4 months in the kennel !!!  and they were quite clear about that......quite a twist for an ending for me...i thought these folks were going to be card carry n' flag wave n'  peta puffin'  " activists"...quite the contrary.....they ended up first ...playing with" all"  the dogs outs ide a  bit...had some " fun time".....physical and mental evaluations.....etc.....there recommendation and remedy......only being prepared to fly back with 2 or 3 of these vicious monsters.....they had to change there plans and rent a motor home and take  ALL 16 OF THEM" back to california.... where only 2 of them had to be destroyed....1 for temperament/ attitude....1 for health    ....these folks were not impressed  at all with the treatment of the dogs  that had been "saved".....and the subsequent "protocols" that the peta folks call "putting animals in a better environment" . ... they gave a pretty diplomatic "black eye"  to pita and all the subsequent movements that claim to be providing relief and solutions....truth is they identify....but offer no relief or solutions or follow up to  benefit would think that pita with all its resources/ monies and support could just buy a couple thousand acres and make a safe refuge for all the mistreated animals in the whole country.....and keep them in a humane manner....kinda like the manatees here in citrus gets a prop to the tail....or bumped by a boat....helicopters in the air...8 marine biologists arrive....air lift to orlando...then maybe to jacksonville....months of of care from some of the brightest young talents in the country.....of course a complete relocation plan ...think eranational conferences with some of the "worlds" best talents....another helicopter ride....relocatecion team in haul....release team on site.....and a 3 yr plan to monitor it s movements.....and literally hundreds/ maybe thousands  of kids in the same county with teeth rotting in there heads, and young eyes needing glasses....kinda hard for me to buy any of it.....the show  was/is  on the biography channel..... it is head lined as michale vick..yada yada something...worth a peek if you want to see  the pita types " answers and relief procedures"..that are the resluts of there "heavy hand" polices....jbarl


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
We were at a big dog show in Oklahoma a week after PETA had invaded another dogshow and set lots of dogs free from crates, etc.  The guard & security at the show we were attending was practically prohibitive of normal activity.  You could not come & go w/out checking in.  You had to have documentation on your person if you went into a crating area. 

And it is almost sweet justice that the legislation that the Nutty Horse lovers ( as opposed to those of us who love horses - realistically ) pushed  thru has backfired into a huge epidemic of horse neglect.  Don't get me wrong - I do not want to see horses neglected or abused but I have to wonder how many of those who were  anti horse slaughter have turned their horses loose because they can't afford to feed them or even to pay someone to take them away??? 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
hope and change you can sink your teeth into

PETA vice-president Dan Mathews said, "AIDS is an easy disease to avoid, but our government squanders millions on duplicative animal tests, rather than issue frank warnings, especially to young people."[112]

i say stand before the UN and say that.

anyone know an effective antiPETA organization that runs ads on what PETA does with their money, where they spend it etc, why they need an incinerator......

PETA spends less than one percent of its multi-million dollar budget actually helping animals. (and 99% helping people avoid real jobs and wasting donations on them instead of animals)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
i guess to every MADD  ( mothers against drunk drivers )  there always has to be a  DAMM  ( drunks against mad mothers )  ironic that the actions of a an animal "rights" group gets its most severe critizem from animal owners  and operators...shedding light on pita's front ended practices  and rear ended resolves will soon be its own demise....just like osha....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i'm not an advocate of drunk driving, but here is a blog that has a different perspective on MADD

It may not surprise you to find out that alcoholics arrested for DUI will generally have higher blood-alcohol readings. It may surprise you, however, to learn that individuals having the disease of alcoholism will generally have higher blood-alcohol readings because they are alcoholics…..

That’s right. It’s because the physiology of alcoholics is different in some important respects. One of those is that their bodies produce more acetaldehyde — far more. Acetaldehyde? That’s a compound produced in the liver in small amounts as a by-product in the metabolism of alcohol. Unfortunately, alcohol in the lungs has been found to metabolize there as well as in the liver — and to produce acetaldehyde there.

The amount of acetaldehyde produced in the lungs (to then be breathed into the breathalyzer) varies from person to person. “Origin of Breath Acetaldehyde During Ethanol Oxidation: Effect of Long-Term Cigarette Smoking”, 100 Journal of Laboratory Clinical Medicine 908. But in a study focusing on alcoholics, researchers discovered that the amount of acetaldehyde in the breath and blood of alcoholics was 5 to 55 times higher than that in nonalcoholics. “Elevated Blood Acetaldehyde in Alcoholics and Accelerated Ethanol Elimination”, 13 (Supp 1) Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 119.

End result: since breathalyzers can’t tell the difference between alcohol and acetaldehyde (see earlier post, “Why Breathalyzers Don’t Measure Alcohol”), alcoholics will usually have falsely higher blood-alcohol readings.

so next time when you are sitting on a jury for drunk driving (i've been on a pool for this 5 times in the last 7 years) and someone comes in with a .081 or just over........