I didnt grow up in a 4H environment, met my husband, moved on a farm, had kids and when our daughter came of age we initially hired it done.
Can be costly traveling to 8 shows in a year so we decided we'd try.. So my husband tried on a cow and she was bleeding!!!! So, I of course tried at the ripe age of 35.
It's been 12 years and we've been extremely blessed! Weve often taken 10 or so head when we travel. Cow/calf ,heifers and steers. You just need to think of it as an art. Sculpting . PRACTICE practice
It's helpful to pull out the closeup photos from magazines, like SHow Circut and review them carefully. A majority of our herd for the last 15 years we've rasied, and shown. I bet you can go out in the field and clip on any of them. Perhaps you can find a farmer that is similar, and likely he may help you clip.
WATCH the heads, very dangerous the PSI are extreme and can kill you with the right swing. (i know a lady who's face was smashed, and another who fell back and died when she hit her head) To stablilize the head, loop the rope halter over the chute, above the animals right ear, then stick the opposite end through the loop. swing the rope down under the jaw and back up over the left ear. Pull Tight, like a noose and tie it off (dont suffocate them) this will help somewhat with the movements. When youre done, then replace the halter as normal.
The heads are the hardest. Learn to tie a break away knot on your halter so if he goes down, you can loosen with ease!
Like other's said watch. or pay someone once for their time to teach you.
I find it to be an escape, much better than dishes and laundry. I put on my I Pod and clip away! Good Luck Dont forget a good pair of clippers and oil! and be sure the animal is clean.