HSUS Strikes Again

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Heads up for the cattle industry! The HSUS is releasing more bad footage of dairy cattle, but this time it is about the salebarn industry.  :mad:

They will be having a press conference any minute now and I am sure it will be all over the national news tonight. Curiosity killed the cat and I went to their Web site to read their press release. It make my blood boil, the way they see things. I hope this doesn't effect anyone on this board!

Now is the time to educate each other and stand united!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
this is the key phrase

"far from it."

they at least should be able to investigate what percentage goes through which are acceptable to them.  the news media should point this out as well.  of course they won't.  nor will the media investigate HSUS.  no one will do the media's job any more.  it's more important to devote time to "the rumor report" with hollywood.

if you call your local tv station, they will at least listen to your request to document the percentages.  ask them if they can find the ratio.  ask them what the procedure is and where these animals should go.  if they are euthanized, where does the carcass go?  on and on.



Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
And once again, it is the whole taking the blame for the percentage. It is scary how fast people are to accept their message and disregard ours. As a friend of mine pointed out, it is again another dairy cow. The key word it "cow". They have to go somewhere too, and they live long lives producing milk and need to go somewhere once their "job" is done.

I want someone to show the good in this situation! How do they keep getting in to film this negative stuff? Where do they find the people that do this? How are we letting them slip into these places?

I love your suggestions to go to the local stations. We, in Oklahoma, have an excellent support system in our Secretary of Ag and our Executive Director for the Cattlemen's association. I expect them to do some damage control. If not, we should all suggest that they do!


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I said it before and I'll say it again - where are the bosses running these places at when they are letting someone run around with a camera?  These people ought to stick out like a sore thumb when they are nosing around.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
KCK said:
And once again, it is the whole taking the blame for the percentage. It is scary how fast people are to accept their message and disregard ours. As a friend of mine pointed out, it is again another dairy cow. The key word it "cow". They have to go somewhere too, and they live long lives producing milk and need to go somewhere once their "job" is done.

I want someone to show the good in this situation! How do they keep getting in to film this negative stuff? Where do they find the people that do this? How are we letting them slip into these places?

I love your suggestions to go to the local stations. We, in Oklahoma, have an excellent support system in our Secretary of Ag and our Executive Director for the Cattlemen's association. I expect them to do some damage control. If not, we should all suggest that they do!

The media knows that most people who live in these urban and suburban areas, who have never been around cattle, or those who don't know anything about cattle, will believe anything they have to say.  It makes me sick, and it reminds me of the reason why I no longer watch the news anymore.  I quit watching the National News years ago, and now it has gotten to a point to where the local news is just about as bad IMO. 

I'm afraid it is getting to a point where the American Farmer gets no respect.  It seems certain people want to make everything corporate, and force everyone to move to the city and suburbs and fight the 9 to 5 rat race.  They call it progress, I call it BS.  Sorry if my words offend anyone.  I just get so sick and tired of people who continue to make the American Farmer look bad, and those who try to force growth on those of us who desire to live a nice and quiet rural life without all of the pressures of the cities and suburbs.  I'm also sick and tired of seeing beautiful farms that are being bulldozed, and turned into subdivisions down here where I live. 


Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
yea, these videos make me sick.  One of them made by PETA in a chicken plant was made by someone that was hired on at the plant to make sure that all of the chickens were properly stunned.  He stopped doing his job and made a video of the animals that were not properly stunned.  Then made no mention that he was the one that was supposed to be stopping the abuse. 