I think I will put my cell number on the back door of my stock trailer!

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Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Two quick stories:    I dated an angus breeder for a year or two. One day, we went to pick up some donor cows and recep cows in town in central Iowa.  We had picked them up, and was traveling through down town when a fella behind us kept trying to pass. "Bob" (whom I will call hiim) started cussing about how stupid are, and he should jump out and rearrange this idiots attitude. He tried to crowd the yellow line when this fella would try and get beside us. Finally we came to a stop sign, and the guy pulled up beside us. "Bob" said "are you a complete moron? This is a truck and trailer, I can not start and stop on a dime like a race car."  To that the man replied, "I am not an idiot, but only an idiot would leave their trailer door open."  About that time, "bob" looked behind to see 6 cows wandering down them busy road!  The look on his face was priceless.  Luckily,  we were a few blocks from a ballfield, so we got the cows there, bob went to get some gates, and we got the loaded with relatively no problems. As we were leaving bob said "This does not get mentioned outside this truck and NEVER at home."  I guess he didn't see the reporter there!! Yep, you guessed it. In the towns weekly paper, bob's truck, trailer, and cows made front page with a headline that said "But we don't want to go home". Did I mention bob's trailer had his family farm name in 20 inches letters going the complete 24 foot!! Like I said Priceless!!

Second story: I was going down a fairly major two lane road. I noticed a truck and trailer pulling onto the road with a long cattle trailer (I'm guessing 34 foot). I was about to lose it since they pulled out, causing me to slow down. It is then I noticed their trailer door had slid open and 4 calves were looking out the door. I flashed my lights, hooked, swerved into the other land trying to get the truck to pull over but to no avail. I even called the local sale barn with the truck description hoping they would have a cell phone number for me to call. But nothing. So I followed as close as I dare, and honked every time a calf looked like it was thinking about jumping. I am guessing I followed the truck 40 miles, until they reached their destination, which was indeed a salebarn. When they pulled into the parking lot. I pulled within inches of their trailer, jumped out, and hollared at the driver. As I was closing the door, the driver came back to help. After a profuse apology for calling me every name in the book (of which I heard none since he was in his truck yelling these names), he said "I gotta call the sheriff back. I thought you were one of those nut case animal rights people that have been harrassing me." 
Afterwards, he bought me a pepsi for my efforts and thanked me again. Turns out there was 26 calves on the trailer that they had spent a week getting in (can you say WILD)??

Glad your story had a nice ending also. Sometimes it does indeed pay to be lucky instead of good!!
