i missed the first half hour, but here's my rundown not in the order it happened, just what stuck out.
bette midler was way off key, with absolutely no range like she used to belt it out. then when you thought the song was over, she riffed a little. made me real uncomfortable. she usually sings that song really well.
clive's meanderings about songwriters and then a weird award for the latest extreme dieter, carrie underwood, who i thought was weird shadowing on her song with the light between her legs. then when she came out in that dress with the pumps, at first i thought, how can someone be so dang hot, a good singer, man life just isn't fair, if she would only eat a steak, it's what's for dinner.
taylor's song with the cool riff in the beginning was cool till he started singing, his vocal was kinda drowned out by the music, they need to lessen the instruments in his mHz range. i kinda like him, i wish they would get him to do a joe cocker song, flop on the ground like john belushi did with raquel welch did on SNL (no video on youtube or anywhere).
i think the figure 8 breeding analogy is in order for guitarist legends. i REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLy liked jeff beck and kelly clarkson. when joe perry came on, who, i guess is decent for a "legend" and worked with clarkson, i thougth it was pretty good. i thinnk she should do some of what robert plant did with jimmy page and mirror each other, and then hold out her hand like he used to and let some pigeons go. uhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhh (robert plant's voice) uhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhhh (page's guitar). so back to the figure 8. guitar legends are dead, and basically music in general sucks right now, which is why music isn't selling, not because everyone is stealing it. legends, i mean guitiarists, have been dead for a while, it's time for them to come back. when it started in the 60's, all those guys had lot's of foral music training. producers are too eager to put not one song wonders out there, but it's been reduced to 5 note wonders.
ok back to idol, i can see why melinda won't be big, unless she does a little less gospel, though the two she sang with i thought were good in an upbeat davis and mccoo sort of way. blakes got to improve drastically on his range, which is part of the education if he wants to escape the icy hot stuntaz genre. he's obviously got some skill.
jordin, ok quit with the crying. with her style, she will get better if she can do better at more range within a note rather than searching for the right note as she moves within the note. i can't stand it when singers do it. it's what the great singers have like celine deon, even though i don't care for her songs very much, her sheer talent gives me goose bumps once in a while.
now as my review is getting long and drawn out, i think idol is kinda like the planet. lots' of diversity, don't hide the warts, like to have fun, appreciate the oldsters, good skills, and poke fun at yourself, otherwise you end up a republicrat/demican.
when rock is truly back, there will be a return of the drum solo, albeit shorter than bonham and moon i hope, and then the guitar solo and creative stuff like jimmy sliding the guitar on the mike stand.
i have a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell.