The average person does not realize this...
If I remember correctly, only less than 5% of the population-- is considered the elites- the ‘true’ breeders... In a small breed, this may only be 2 or 3 operations. These are the only people, who are going to realize what line breeding and consistency is, does, and its advantages. And then they use it to their advantage to stay atop their breed. Just as a side note-- these breeders have to remain on top, and sometimes they don't always use the most "honest" methods of doing so, especially considering the show ring and its ethics... These are the population who is interested into looking into the future and being there when the demand arises... These people sell very few animals to the marketplace. Almost all of their progeny gets sold into purebred operations for elite dollar amounts- more so than not. The 'elites', for the most part- buy from themselves or from nobody at all
The rest of the pool of a breed is multipliers, and commercial people.
About 25% (to 50%, depending on size of the breed) of the rest of the breed- is multipliers-- These people might line breed some, on a great one that get, but for the most part they are going to be traveling and purchasing what they consider the best of what their money can afford. These people likely will line breed by purchasing sires repeatedly from the same operation, or at least similar genetics... but for the most part- they aren't reading into the genetic history of their purchases... they are just focusing on phenotype, and maybe the parentage that they feel is "elite", or the breeder that "they" came from. I would say that these people are living in the present. They breed what is current, what is winning, and what is generating a profit RIGHT NOW. These operations for the most part sell to the commercial segments of the breed, for more modest prices, and purchase from the elites (above). Every once in a while, an elite operation buys from these customers, and some of this bracket purchase from here as well. For the most part, this is just the average producer who "thinks" they might be able to compete with the "big boys" down the road and build up to the level they feel is ideal- in addition, this segment makes up the largest percentage of the show ring.
So what does that leave the rest of the 70% (or as low as 45% in smaller or "more uncommon/ commercially unacceptable" breeds) of the breed percentile? They try to maximize hybrid vigor effect FIRST and FOREMOST. Now, this may either be commercial guys looking to crossbreed, commercial folks looking to add to the bottom dollar by remaining purebred, or again, like mentioned above… They might be focused on building a program to compete with the “big boys” (or make a good ‘one’ for their grandkid to show at the county fair), but more than likely they just want to make a profit. These people, for the most part- are stuck living in the "present" past. They know what worked yesterday, and what it takes to generate a profit and remain afloat. The upper end of this group may purchase from the 'elites', but for the most part they feel that the 'elite' stock is "overpriced", and would rather purchase from the above mentioned group of the multipliers. This group sells almost everything directly to slaughter or the feedlot.
Now, with this being said, it takes all 3 categories of people and producers to properly function as a breed. Each category focuses, and feeds off the other- as well as supporting them as well.
I guess the only question that really needs to be asked... is what category do you, and I fall into?