Inexpensive Maine semen?

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2014
Delburne Alberta
My wife has just recently completed her AI course we wondering on some suggestions for less expensive Maine sires she could use for practising that would not hurt our program in the long run. We are drawing one of our herdbulls for personal use that she can use. AMA 11A. But are still looking for other inexpensive bulls for her to practice with. Any suggestions?


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2008
Greenfield OH
I suggest you breed with the semen you want your cows bred to.  I think you are money and herd quality ahead to get calves from better bulls.  Why go to the cost and expense of getting your cows set-up then use low quality bulls or semen?  AI them, and then AI a second time the ones that cycle.  Assuming equal semen quality, you are going to get the same number of calves either way - why not strive for a better & more valuable calf crop?

I don't know how many you are breeding, but spending $15.00 more per straw may be considerably more profitable in the end.  Just make sure your AI timing is correct, handle the semen exactly as she was taught, and relax :)


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
diamonddls said:
My wife has just recently completed her AI course we wondering on some suggestions for less expensive Maine sires she could use for practising that would not hurt our program in the long run. We are drawing one of our herdbulls for personal use that she can use. AMA 11A. But are still looking for other inexpensive bulls for her to practice with. Any suggestions?
i have lots of maine semen that i would provide at no cost to the right folks with the right cows under terms on which we all agree in writing.